Healthy Eating and Active Living Taught at Habitation Erasmus Project

General information for the Healthy Eating and Active Living Taught at Habitation Erasmus Project

Healthy Eating and Active Living Taught at Habitation Erasmus Project
September 14, 2022 12:00 am

Project Title

Healthy Eating and Active Living Taught at Habitation

Project Key Action

This project related with these key action: Cooperation for innovation and the exchange of good practices

Project Action Type

This project related with this action type : School Exchange Partnerships

Project Call Year

This project’s Call Year is 2020

Project Topics

This project is related with these Project Topics: Health and wellbeing; Intercultural/intergenerational education and (lifelong)learning; Open and distance learning

Project Summary

Young people all over Europe eat lots of fast foods due to the inordinate use of technological devices, thus increasing the tendency to become unfit, obese and in poor health.The global prevalence of childhood and adolescent obesity is high. Lifestyle changes towards a healthy diet, increased physical activity and reduced sedentary activities are recommended to prevent and treat obesity.Evidence suggests that changing these health behaviours can benefit cognitive function and school achievement in children and adolescents in general(1).The aim of this project is to ensure that the healthy lifestyle, which is one of the strategic goals of 2020, is adopted among adolescents.
Healthy life has many components.Besides healthy eating, physical activity is also important.The habits in the 13-18 age group give obesity an environment.For instance; they consume junk food, unhealthy snacks,frozen food frequently. Part of this problem also arises from the sedentary lifestyle that has become a normal part of our society and a contributing factor to this sedentary lifestyle is increased screen usage, especially mobile devices.These behaviors bring about lack of exercise, stress, unhealthy eating habits.As a result, obesity increases and becomes a big problem for us every day.
We believe that healthy lifestyle will develop with parents and teachers’ cooperation and reach to students significantly.In order to give scientific data to this project, we have chosen countries which can help to reach project’s aim with their students and different from us.

The project’s goal is not only to create awareness of healthy living but also to create an international learning environment.In addition, we hope this project might help to limit the number of students dropping out of school due to physical/health problems.
All of the activities planned for different countries focus on wholsome living and will struggle obesity and unhealty lifesytle by using open-international education and innovative practices in the digital age we currently live in.
The project activities’ aim is, between and after the meetings,being dynamic over the course of the project.Initially these activities will stay focus creating a link between the schools through stage a competition of the project’s slogan and logo .
The survey to be applied at the beginning, middle and end of the project, will include questions about the students’ physical activity and nutrition habits as well as their body component. And it will enable us to see the effects of the project in other surveys to be carried out in this later period.
Towards the end of the project there will be a research topic how the project, effects the students activity levels and eating habits.
In our LTTs which will held in the partners’ countries, the trainings will focus on;
-the effects of malnutrition
-the positive impacts of physical activity
-what things should be avoided to not be obese
-how to excessive use of mobile phones/screens in general affect to be less active.
Through 2 years,100 students aged 13-18, and 40 teachers from 5 countries (Poland, Portugal, Spain, Turkey,Romania) will have the opportunity to participate in the mobility.
Upon this, everyone at school will have the chance to participate in the exchange program during each school visit.The proposal aims to;
-to raise awareness among students to become healthier and more active individuals,
-to reduce the dependency of fast food, frozen food in the target audience(especially students who have social problems due to health problems),
-to develop awareness among teachers and parents about raising healthy individuals,
-to enable students to collect new items about healthy-active life and include them in the booklet,
-to raise awareness throughout the school with project corners on the walls in schools.
Among the long-term benefits of our project is to enable our target audience to behave more consciously about being healthy-active individuals through family and teacher cooperation and to reduce the prevalence of obesity positively.Besides;
-develop English language skills which will be used by teachers and students,
-having the opportunity to compare their living conditions with the peers of different language and culture,
-having the opportunity to develop skills to build relationships in different cultural and social environments, support adaptation to various situations and create an intercultural awareness.The impact of this training will not be limited to the participants; along with all the teachers and students involved in the project, the parents of the students will also participate in some of the proposed activities.

EU Grant (Eur)

Funding of the project from EU: 153060 Eur

Project Coordinator


Project Partners

  • Ozel FENCEBIR Egitim Kurumlari Anadolu Lisesi