Healthy eating knows no bounds Erasmus Project

General information for the Healthy eating knows no bounds Erasmus Project

Healthy eating knows no bounds Erasmus Project
September 14, 2022 12:00 am

Project Title

Healthy eating knows no bounds

Project Key Action

This project related with these key action: Cooperation for innovation and the exchange of good practices

Project Action Type

This project related with this action type : School Exchange Partnerships

Project Call Year

This project’s Call Year is 2020

Project Topics

This project is related with these Project Topics: Health and wellbeing; International cooperation, international relations, development cooperation; Teaching and learning of foreign languages

Project Summary

In times of easy access to modified foods, rich in large amounts of sugars, we struggle with the problem of overweight, obesity and a decrease in the activity of children in our school. The problem has a huge impact on development and how children are perceived by peers, and everything translates into the level of education. The School Complex in Kalinówka Kościelna is a unit that never participates in such projects. ZS, Kindergarten and Elementary School available. 42 pupils study at the Kindergarten, 88 pupils study at the school. The history of the school dates back to the 1930s and just as the years have changed a lot, the priorities in this unit are tradition and respect. Teachers, all with the Directorate, know and remember the names of all students, which is not so obvious in school practice. It affects the building of a common joint structure in which it is easier to trust. The director of ZS in Kalinówka is a teacher with 30 years of experience, a biologist. Due to the fact that the school community is not large, care for the health of the other person is very important. In the era of “looking” at smartphones, the school wants to bet veto spend every free moment on using the phone. He wants to put great emphasis on healthy eating and an active way of spending a break. At school, a ban on using telephones has already begun, and thus a greater role for educators to get free time between lessons in an interesting, creative way, and motivate children to other activities. The next steps in the new school year will be a challenge: a healthy lunch is always on schedule and every break between lessons is active. Despite the fact that the school is located in a rural commune, sometimes some children come to school without a second breakfast. The project would help teachers make parents aware of the importance of proper nutrition for human development. How important it is in acquiring new knowledge. We plan that 36 students from three levels of education will participate in the project: fourth, fifth and sixth grade. We would like them to be people who are genuinely interested in the subject of healthy eating and an active way of spending free time. Therefore, we would start recruiting participants from meeting parents, because first of all we want to participate in the project children whose problem of overweight or obesity has already appeared. On the other hand, we know from experience that children with various types of complexes tend to shun from any initiatives and are more involved in various forms of activity. The meeting with the Parents will be conducted by the Director of ZS in Kalinówka, who will talk about the idea of ​​the project and an invited dietitian who will outline the importance of the aspect of proper nutrition in children’s development. Then we will conduct a survey among parents, which will end with a question about the willingness of your child to participate in this type of project. A similar survey will also be carried out in upbringing classes in the fourth and fifth grade. After analyzing its results, we will have gathered declared participants of the project. Due to trips abroad, knowledge of a foreign language will definitely be a determinant. However, we would not like it to be a disqualifying condition. We believe that language preparation before departure and the help of qualified carers during the trip will be sufficient.

Short visits of children in the Partner’s unit will serve to refer to the experience of peers. We chose a Partner from Eastern Europe in this way to have a comparison whether the problem is equally important or whether generally healthy eating and functioning without smartphones at school is a problem in other countries. Children from classes IV – VI would participate in the trip to Lithuania. At the same age, children will visit ZS in Kalinówka. During joint meetings, children will, among others, take part in meetings with a dietitian, visit organic farms, learn how to read the composition on food packaging. The summary will be the participation in the Healthy Masterchef competition. The event will take place at the plenum of the entire school, and representatives of several teams will compete in the preparation of the tastiest healthy, second breakfast. The lasting effect of the competition will be a brochure with recipes for healthy, tasty second breakfasts, which the student can easily prepare. We plan that thanks to the involvement of all parties in the project: – we will implement the principles of healthy nutrition at school – we will know how to deal with obesity and malnutrition – we will become aware of the principles of healthy forms of weight loss.

Our project should receive funding because hungry children or struggling with obesity complexes will never be good students. The small community of our school gives us great opportunities to improve children’s knowledge through interesting activities, meetings and trips.

EU Grant (Eur)

Funding of the project from EU: 40590 Eur

Project Coordinator

Zespol Szkol w Kalinowce Koscielnej & Country: PL

Project Partners

  • Vilniaus Antakalnio progimnazija