Healthy Life is Happy Life Erasmus Project
General information for the Healthy Life is Happy Life Erasmus Project
Project Title
Healthy Life is Happy Life
Project Key Action
This project related with these key action: Cooperation for innovation and the exchange of good practices
Project Action Type
This project related with this action type : Strategic Partnerships for Schools Only
Project Call Year
This project’s Call Year is 2017
Project Topics
This project is related with these Project Topics: Teaching and learning of foreign languages; ICT – new technologies – digital competences; Health and wellbeing
Project Summary
In our Erasmus+ project there were 6 countries, Turkey-the coordinator, Spain, Italy, Poland, Bulgaria and Romania.According to surveys we conducted at our schools our children have health problems, as obesity (30%), underweight (15%), bad eating habits (65%), tooth decay (70%), diabetes (3%), spent too much free time in front of computer and TV (95 %) lack of knowledge about protecting environment, lack of physical activity, emotional problems, no knowledge about First Aid. Their parents were not able to help them, as some of them were not well educated and overworked. The main help were teachers, but they must be professionally trained and appropriately prepared to it.So the aim of our project “Healthy Life is Happy Life ” was to build potencial of schools in areas of healthy lifestyle and protecting environment, create a way of balanced students’ emotional and intellectual development.
Objectives of the project:
The main objective of this project was to develop teachers and school staff competences, through different international and national trainings and seminars (about healthy lifestyle,protecting environment, recycling and saving natural resources, additional physical activities and sports (orienteering ,bocce and cycling tours) emotional problems, as assertiveness and agression, First Aid as well as increasing sense of initiative and entrepreneurship among students. Implementation of the objectives and activities decreased the number of obesity, diabetes,toothdecay and allergies among children. It enriched the school’s variety of additional PE classes(orienteering, bocce, table tennis, swimming, football and volleyball), Science, health,environment and culinary workshops. Teachers and students became more competent in First Aid and coping with difficult emotional problems, as aggressiveness and self confidence.
Number and profile of participants:
In our project all teachers from our schools (especially PE, Science teachers,language teachers ,art teachers,administrators), school cooks and canteeners, students and their parents ,local community (doctors, dieticians, dentists ) took part directly or indirectly.
Description of activities:
In our project there was a planned training activity for teachers in Romania (First Aid course and a seminar on dynamics of a healthy life style( doing sports regularly ,being active and balanced diet ) (Europass mobilities for teachers and First Aid Certificates).
We also organised 2 transnational project meetings, where we disscussed about the plans, drafts and final versions of final products, as well as, exchange the experiences and ideas for the project activities. There were also 3 planned students mobilities, where children could train themselves in healthy lifestyle with workshops and learning-teaching training activities and protecting environment and have the chance of being a part of the international short film as actors or actresses.(Europass mobillities for students)
At schools we organized many national trainings and seminars with dentists, local doctors, chemists, psychologists. We organized sports events (orienteering , bocce and cycling tours ) as well as workshops for children.
Our project’s activities contained all necessary phases. We prepared ourselves for implementation project activities ( trainings for teachers), implemented gained knowledge, monitore if it worked with our students, evaluate and disseminated the project results.We tried to create technology-enhanced, student-centered learning environments which organized interrelated learning themes into meaningful contexts.
Short description of the results:
The main results were – a healthy life magazine containing elements of healthy lifestyle, protecting environment and increasing sense of initiative and entrepreneurship among students, dictionary about history and description of popular sports with pictures in European countries, a short film of fiction with our students as actors, leaflets about school habits and protecting environment, PPP and lesson plans prepared by teachers as didactic materials.They were all OERs. After the project teachers became more competent in healthy lifestyle and protecting environment fields, linguistic, ICT, intercultural, entrepreneurship, innovative thinking, writing European projects. Students gained new competences in areas of healthy lifestyle, importance of sports protecting environment, intercultural, linguistic. They became more confident and responsible for their future life.
The project impacted on teachers and students (they became more open to innovations, new changes, eager to work in the international groups, eager to change their lifestyles), students’ parents, local educational government, local primary and secondary schools,regional, national and European health and environmental organisations, which were informed about project activities and results.
EU Grant (Eur)
Funding of the project from EU: 139360 Eur
Project Coordinator
Burdur Bucak Ayse Sak Ortaokulu & Country: TR
Project Partners
- Sredno Uchilishte “Ivan Vazov”
- Scuola secondaria di 1° grado “Rocca-Bovio-Palumbo”
- Scoala Gimnaziala nr. 2, Ciocarlia de Sus
- Szkola Podstawowa- Zespol Szkolno-Przedszkolny