HEALTHY TOWN Erasmus Project

General information for the HEALTHY TOWN Erasmus Project

HEALTHY TOWN  Erasmus Project
July 7, 2020 12:00 am

Project Title


Project Key Action

This project related with these key action: Cooperation for innovation and the exchange of good practices

Project Action Type

This project related with this action type : Strategic Partnerships for Schools Only

Project Call Year

This project’s Call Year is 2017

Project Topics

This project is related with these Project Topics: ICT – new technologies – digital competences; Inclusion – equity; Health and wellbeing

Project Summary

The project HEALTHY-TOWN was designed and implemented by four schools of different realities (rural, urban) of the European Union: Spain, France (Reunion Island), Poland and Finland. The project has fully influenced on the schools and the main topics of the project: students’ and educational community’s healthy habits.

The following project objectives have been achieved:

1. Teachers, students and the educational community have acquired new healthy habits to improve their quality of life: Sport practice and self-awareness of nutrition has increased.
2. Thanks to English as a vehicular language, linguistic competence has been improved, and not only in the English language, but with all the languages of the project.
3. New technologies (such as mobile phones) have been used for educational purposes (APP created for the project)
4. Students have experienced sporting challenges as a way to improve self-esteem, especially those who did not believe they were able to pass certain tests, and that all have finally achieved.
5. The largest possible number of the educational community has been involved in theproject development.

Thanks to HEALTHY TOWN, students have taken part in some sporting events adapted to their level, and have managed to overcome these inclusive sport challenges.
Reaching a HEALTHY-TOWN (an imaginary place) has been a sporting challenge for students and at the same time a great opportunity to overcome other situations in daily life.
Preparing challenges has meant improving and mastering ICT tools, technology and English language to create products and results (presentation, etc.) related to the challenges and matters related to the project.

All the sporting challenges have been conducted during the school members’ visits, and in each country a SPORT CHALLENGE in cooperation and collaboration with all the partners has been achieved. They have faced (successfully) positive and negative emotions, while they have been guided to overcome this challenge.

All project activities will remain in the school curriculum after the end of the end of the project

EU Grant (Eur)

Funding of the project from EU: 148638 Eur

Project Coordinator

Institut Francesc Macià & Country: ES

Project Partners

  • Joensuun kaupunki, Pataluodon koulu
  • I Liceum Ogolnoksztalcace im. Kazimierza Jagiellonczyka w Sieradzu
  • Lycée polyvalent Jean Joly