How to Prevent School Bullying of Students with Educational Needs Erasmus Project

General information for the How to Prevent School Bullying of Students with Educational Needs Erasmus Project

How to Prevent School Bullying of Students with Educational Needs Erasmus Project
July 7, 2020 12:00 am

Project Title

How to Prevent School Bullying of Students with Educational Needs

Project Key Action

This project related with these key action: Cooperation for innovation and the exchange of good practices

Project Action Type

This project related with this action type : Strategic Partnerships for Schools Only

Project Call Year

This project’s Call Year is 2017

Project Topics

This project is related with these Project Topics: Inclusion – equity; International cooperation, international relations, development cooperation; Disabilities – special needs

Project Summary

Context/background of project:
In this project, the term of “Peer Bullying” has been observed according to definitions and approaches variety in European Countries. “Bullying” is used synonym of violence and aggressiveness today and spread of all cultures in the world as an international concept. “Bullying” is a widespread fact which consists of physical, verbal and social damage to a feeble one. It is a kind of violence and can be defined as incapability of someone to a person or more than one person’s violence. the frequency and extent of violence is very effective on espousal, insensitivity and unresponsiveness of the students. Thus, they use them as a problem solving instrument and also can move them to all parts of their life. Bullying should not be tolerated and should always be followed by an immediate and appropriate response.

Objectives of the Project:
* To improve communication of information to students with special educational needs;
*To raise awareness of the importance of safeguarding children and young people;
* To promote better understanding of safeguarding issues, encouraging a change in behaviour towards children and young people, and their safety and welfare;
*Promote positive images of disability and equality for all learners;
*To raise awareness and to involve the community in general in the problem of bullying;
*The recognition of the existence of a plural society in which each individual is singular and with his/her own characteristics;
*To encourage changes in the attitudes towards Bullying;
*How to deal with bullying in the classroom;
*To guide the students so they can deal with the problem;
*To act directly with the groups as soon as possible in order to break the dynamics of Bullying;
*To recognize and value students’ attitudes towards dealing with the problem;
*To involve families in solving the problem;
*To educate for the principles of morality, ethics and respect;
*To understand the harm endured by the victim and the damages it may cause.

Methodology to be used in carrying out the project:
illustrates a range of approaches that schools have taken to give learners a range of ways to report bulling, for example, by using
questionnaires, bullying boxes and nominating particular staff to be available to help.
Peer mediation empowers trained learners to resolve low-level conflicts between the peers themselves.
Solution focused brief therapy is an approach to counselling, help and support the children involved in bullying after an incident has taken place. Music and drama workshops to develop songs against violence and bullying. Learners can be helped by watching, then acting out,Drama and music distance participants from the situation and allow them to talk about how they feel and what the reasons might be for the bullying actions.

Number and profile of participants:
*6 European secondary and primary schools from 5 countries in Bulgaria,Spain,Portugal,Poland, Turkey(2 schools), all having curricular and/or extra-curricular programmes for inclusive education;
*10 teachers in the given schools committed to inclusive education;
*20-25 secondary and primary school students in each school, mostly between the ages from 12 to 17.
*School staff and peer mentors or supporters;

Result and Impact :
With the aim of supporting learner with special educational needs involvement and personal development through Citizenship Education, Personal, Social and Health Education and in other school activities, we, as partners aim at take whole-school action to raise the issue of bullying and disability; provide individual support for the bullied child and work with the bullies to improve their behaviour towards SEN pupils.
Together we can change attitudes and level of understanding towards the disabled and promote responsibility of each individual as a citizen. We have similarities and differences in our educational systems, however they all promote common values. This enhances our European dimension.

EU Grant (Eur)

Funding of the project from EU: 101450 Eur

Project Coordinator

Secondary school Georgi Izmirliev & Country: BG

Project Partners

  • Centro San Juan Bosco – FP Juan Solé – Salesianos Cartagena
  • Szkola Podstawowa w Siedlcu Duzym
  • mehmetçik anadolu lisesi
  • Agrupamento de Escolas Nuno de Santa Maria