Improve your critical thinking skills, solve the problems Erasmus Project
General information for the Improve your critical thinking skills, solve the problems Erasmus Project
Project Title
Improve your critical thinking skills, solve the problems
Project Key Action
This project related with these key action: Cooperation for innovation and the exchange of good practices
Project Action Type
This project related with this action type : School Exchange Partnerships
Project Call Year
This project’s Call Year is 2020
Project Topics
This project is related with these Project Topics: Social dialogue; Gender equality / equal opportunities; Social/environmental responsibility of educational institutions
Project Summary
“Improve your critical thinking skills, solve the problems” represents a self-guided, self-disciplined thinking which attempts to reason at the highest level of quality in a fair-minded way. People who think critically and consistently attempt to live rationally, reasonably, empathically. Through this project, we want to offer our students the chance to discover themselves as young citizens who are capable of thinking creatively, critically, who know their role and possibilities in the democratic processes they are affected by. We want them to know that they are in charge of their own future and they should not let themselves be manipulated by others. They will create their own network of Active citizens and will communicate about the pressing issues of the world today on their own forum.
We are addressing a target group of 300 students of different specialisations in our schools, boys and girls, mainstream students or students belonging to disadvantaged groups, who are 15-18 years old. They will be at the core of the activities, as we intend to make a long-lasting impact on them. The project also addresses 35 teachers in our schools, who will turn the project results into long-term practices at local levels, will coordinate students’ activity and guide them, monitor them and act as a resource.
The objectives of the project are:
– to develop students’ critical thinking, leadership, communication and social skills
– to make student gets more involved in the community life
– to lay the basis for students’ autonomy in thinking and action
– to promote European values – tolerance, respect, democracy, active citizenship
– to promote intercultural learning
– to facilitate the exchange of ideas and the cooperation between European students
Main activities
The project will include four exchanges during which students will interact, communicate, exchange ideas, put forwards arguments and counterarguments based on statistical data, assess the situations comparatively, participate in role-plays, simulations, interviews. Each team of students will do research on the topic of the exchange, so that the meeting will be productive and a qualitative exchange of information is facilitated.
There are 5 exchanges with the following topics:
C1 – Immigration
C2 – Democracy – human rights
C3 – Discrimination
C4 – Civic involvement
C5 – Individual Rights
Before the exchanges, students will work intensively on the topic of the exchange and will collect data at local level in order to provide an informed presentation of the situattion during the exchange. To do this, they will do research, apply surveys, take interviews, contact NGOs active in that field, collect data, analyse, assess and draw conclusions. During the exchanges, they will present their research work, analyse the data from other countries comparatively, participate in debates, in engaging activties which are meant to improve their critical thinking skills, meet local authorities and discuss the issues to see the opinion of a politician on those matters.
Results and impact
Students will develop autonomy and critical thinking, be more aware of their rights, duties and their power to decide for themselves, get involved in the community life, develop professional, personal, interpersonal skills and intercultural competence. They will acquire European values, such as tolerance, respect, active citizenship.
Tangible results include the recordings of debates, presentations, research work, the collection of activities for developing critical thinking skills (for teachers), the platform for students. The project is expected to have a wide impact through the students’ platform, dissemination activities and materials published on a variety of online spaces. Besides students, there will be teachers, parents, institutions and local communities who benefit from the project results in one way or another.
Teachers will diversify their teaching materials and improve their communication, organisational and team work skills. Schools will improve their human resources, attain more cohesion, gain a positive image and will strengthen the relations with local authorities and NGOs, parents will become more involved in the school life and will appreciate the role of the school in the shaping of their children’s individuality.
EU Grant (Eur)
Funding of the project from EU: 134748 Eur
Project Coordinator
IISS F.sco D’Aguirre-Dante Alighieri & Country: IT
Project Partners
- Colegiul Tehnic Danubiana Roman
- SOU Kuzman Josifovski-Pitu Prilep
- Özel Samsun Doğa Fen ve Teknoloji Lisesi
- Matyas Kiraly Gimnazium