Inclusion through CLIL in Europe Erasmus Project

General information for the Inclusion through CLIL in Europe Erasmus Project

Inclusion through CLIL in Europe Erasmus Project
September 14, 2022 12:00 am

Project Title

Inclusion through CLIL in Europe

Project Key Action

This project related with these key action: Cooperation for innovation and the exchange of good practices

Project Action Type

This project related with this action type : School Exchange Partnerships

Project Call Year

This project’s Call Year is 2020

Project Topics

This project is related with these Project Topics: EU Citizenship, EU awareness and Democracy

Project Summary

Inclusion through CLIL is our future. Germany is working hard becoming a school with the main focus on CLIL in the inclusive education. Romania has limited opportunities to contact other nationalities from Europe but has a very good experience with children from different ethnic and cultural
background like Sinti and Roma. France has a large number of students with different cultural and ethnic background, refugees from
Africa, Eastern countries, Middle East. At the same time they are very good at dealing with quality criteria on artistic practices at the service of social improvement. Greece is working hard becoming an inclusive school and has a number of emigrants from the Middle,- South-East and Eastern Europe. Italy and Spain are the most experienced in CLIL. All the schools have an increasing number of children with special needs and intent to integrate CLIL in their curricula.
Within present parameters of funding and support for inclusion many secondary schools are not coping with the demands on them and teachers feel frustrated. In this context the objectives of the project are the reduction of the impact on the balance of the teachers’ work and the increase of the
quality of support actually available for inclusive education in secondary schools.
The needs to be adressed by the project are related to secondary schools having to make critical decisions about admission of students from diverse origins, backgrounds and learning disabilities with consideration of resources, expertise and the balance of needs across the school and within
individual classrooms.
Objectives: social inclusion, promoting of skills and key competences, EU Citizenship, EU awareness and Democracy
The project is
-to enhance students’ local, national and international knowledge of History, Politics, Literature and Science, Art, Drama, Geography and help students to reach a high level of critical thinking and reflection on European contexts.
– to facilitate foreign language acquisition on the base of CLIL in an inclusion context.
– is to foster cultural awareness and creative expression in a range of different media.
-to help students develop a sense of initiative and the ability to both plan and manage their own (project) work.
– teachers will share CLIL-practices and teaching strategies to learn from each other in the different environment of incusion
-to stengthen the international profile of the secondary school and inclusive school
-reducing the early school leavers
Number and profile of participants
6 secondary vocational schools with students with and without special needs. The age between all contries ranges from 14 to 18 years.
The German school is a reference school for the students with and without dyslexia, teacher’s training for the project management and developing of working materials for CLIL in history of the EU. The Romanian school specializes in inclusion of children with different ethnic background
(Sinti and Roma) for children with dyscalculia with focus on CLIL in science (e.g. physics). The French school has been specialized in inclusion and the art promoting learining through theater play, dance, song, artistic expression based on CLIL. They promote the inclusion of immigrants and refugees. The Greek school is a school with children with special needs and promote inclusion of immigrants, students with dyslexia and
dyscalculia, promoting learing throw CLIL in art and poetry. The Italian school is the most experienced school in CLIL and inclusion responsible for CLIL on biology and chemistry. The Spanish school`s responsibility is in CLIL on the environment, ecology.
By the end of first year
1. design of the logo and design of the website
2. observation of inclusion practices through CLIL
3. creating and testing CLIL-working materials on students
4. developing the reading skills and speaking skills with focus on the school subjects history and culture/politics, science, art and literature
5. Developing the science, social, art and historical competences using English
6. intermediate report
By the end of second year
1. applying methods different creative methods in CLIL: Developing of social skills through creative performance (musical, show, theater)
2. Developing of science skills through experiments in the lab and testing CLIL materials on students with focus on science
3. Developing of reading and calculating skills through creative work e.g. ecology/biology (creating social event) and testing materials on students
5. Making the good practices guide
6. Creating the inclusive education assessment test
Expected Results:
The overall project result will be an interactive ebook about CLIL materials.
1-Documents about the project work of the mobilities.
2-Evaluation documents: surveys, questionnaires, texts about the history of EU, healthy style of life, science and ecology
3. Friendships and benefits for all schools with focus on inclusion& CLIL

EU Grant (Eur)

Funding of the project from EU: 197970 Eur

Project Coordinator

Private SABEL Wirtschaftsschule München I, staatl. anerkannt & Country: DE

Project Partners

  • Lycée Polyvalent Maximilien Perret
  • IES Condestable Álvaro de Luna
  • Liceul Tehnologic de Electronica si Telecomunicatii “Gheorghe Marzescu” Iasi