Innovation for Youth Employability & Self-employment Erasmus Project

General information for the Innovation for Youth Employability & Self-employment Erasmus Project

Innovation for Youth Employability & Self-employment Erasmus Project
July 7, 2020 12:00 am

Project Title

Innovation for Youth Employability & Self-employment

Project Key Action

This project related with these key action: Cooperation for innovation and the exchange of good practices

Project Action Type

This project related with this action type : Strategic Partnerships for youth

Project Call Year

This project’s Call Year is 2017

Project Topics

This project is related with these Project Topics: Entrepreneurial learning – entrepreneurship education; Labour market issues incl. career guidance / youth unemployment; Youth (Participation, Youth Work, Youth Policy)

Project Summary

The project aims at enhancing the quality of youth employment services within the transnational partnership´ networks within a periode of 2 years. It stands for building a European database with relevant on-line tools for youth workers, employment agents, social workers and volunteers dealing on daily basis with youngsters in active search for a job.
Partners: Creator European Consultants SRL Romania, Association ARID Poland, NETT FORMACION, S.L. Spain, Directia pentru Sport si Tineret Brasov Romania, ISTITUTO COMPRENSIVO STATALE B. LORENZI FUMANE VR Italia.

Specific Objective 1: Enhance the quality of the youth employment services within the participating organisations’ networks, organizing exchanges of good practice and explore areas of self-employment within the participating countries, share experiences and multiply positive actions at local level.
Target group: Direct beneficiaries: 4 participating organizations; Indirect beneficiaries: minimum 40 organisations ‚ part of each partner’s local/regioanal network.

Specific Objective 2: Improve competencies in the areas of employment and self-employment for 21 youth workers, employment agents and volunteers from youth NGOs, youth centres, employment agencies or municipal social services. Beneficiaries: 21 direct beneficiaries of the training activities and around 800 indirect beneficiaries, as multipliers will be running sessions with local/regional youth workers, volunteers and employment agents to improve their competencies and working methods in the aim of enhancing the quality of youth employment services. Training will be held in 3 phases: Phase I – Learning activity about employment and self-employment; Phase II: Training on the job, where multipliers will put in practice their competences to capacitate youth workers and youngsters within their communities; Phase III – Impact analysis, where multipliers will share their experiences in regards with Phase II & come up with improvements and specific tools to be published on the employability platform; in order to make it available for the professionals across Europe.

Specific Objective 3: To foster Entrepreneurship, self-employment and Social Economy concepts among youth workers and employment agents. Related activities: learning activity about Entrepreneurship, self-employment and Social Economy. Beneficiaries: 21 youth workers, employment agents, volunteers actively involved with a youth structure. Participants will be able to provide support and advice for entrepreneurs and self-employed people to start up a new business activity.

Specific Objective 4: To implement a mediation tool already developed and succesfully implemented by the Spanish organisation in the partner countries (Romania, Poland, Italy). Related activities: Presentation of the TALENTic platform to partners, translation and implementation of the platform that brings together companies in the area of new technologies and youngsters with IT skills and competences. Direct beneficiaries: the 3 International partners involved in the project; Indirect beneficiaries: more than 800 youngsters and 40 IT companies from the 4 participating countries.

Expected results: 1 training kit for youth workers and employment agents that includes innovative tools for employment workshops to be used during the project and in future activities; Development of informatics resources to serve as training tools in non-formal education for employment – 1 database with tools for training on combating youth unemployment; Development of multimedia instruments to promote good practice examples/results of this project; Development of competencies for 21 multipliers from 5 countries; Awareness among youth workers in regards with high rate of youth unemployment in Europe; Enhanced degree of training and information of 800 youth workers and youngsters on how to run activities for unemployed youth; 1 Mediation platform TALENTic aimed to connect unemployed youngsters with IT skills and IT companies; 40 partnerships with IT companies in 4 countries for the TALENTic platform implementation; 4 promotion campaigns of an efficient mediation tool between IT employers and youngsters looking for a job; 1 Study aimed to enhance the role of employment workshops in EU; Involvement of educational partners at local/regional level – to include employment workshops in the curricula and/or in the youth centres current activities; 1 functional portal aimed to give tools and resources to youth workers on combating youth unemployment.

EU Grant (Eur)

Funding of the project from EU: 65670 Eur

Project Coordinator


Project Partners

  • Directia Judeteana pentru Sport si Tineret Brasov