Integration to competitive Europe through VET Erasmus Project

General information for the Integration to competitive Europe through VET Erasmus Project

Integration to competitive Europe through VET Erasmus Project
July 7, 2020 12:00 am

Project Title

Integration to competitive Europe through VET

Project Key Action

This project related with these key action: Cooperation for innovation and the exchange of good practices

Project Action Type

This project related with this action type : Strategic Partnerships for vocational education and training

Project Call Year

This project’s Call Year is 2017

Project Topics

This project is related with these Project Topics: New innovative curricula/educational methods/development of training courses; Research and innovation; International cooperation, international relations, development cooperation

Project Summary

IceVET project aims to generate strong consciousness about innovation and competitiveness and their impacts to employability and global market conditions among all VET actors in partner’s regions beside participant institutions. In order to realize this objective IceVET project has many innovative and unique activities which were carried out in project duration such as investigation best practices on the issues innovation and competitiveness in VET systems in the world, constitution draft curriculum for Innovation training in VET schools, determining innovation and competitiveness perceptions of VET students, teachers, managers and employers in target regions and sharing experiences and valuable data obtained through project activities with scientific world via a scientific paper. All objectives are feasible and sustainable essence. IceVET objectives support EU 2020 targets directly by means of common approach to innovation and competitiveness perceptions. All project targets and outputs have been achieved on time as planned in project timetable.
6 partners from 5 countries have been participated in IceVET project. Common background and similar working fields make collaboration easier among partner institutions/organizations. Partnership structure contains public research institution, public local authority on educational issues, public VET school, public VET center, an enterprise to make connections with labour market and an NGO that has directly relevance to the issue we focused.
Turkish Coordinator (Çubuk Vocational Education Center – Çubuk VEC) is a vocational institution and has sufficient experience on EU projects management.
Italian partner (CNR-ITD) is research institution and experienced on education technologies.
Spanish partner (CECE) is an union that brings together education actors in all Europe
Greek partner, (2nd EPAL) is public vocational highschool
Polish partner (Profin) is an enterprise that represents private sector in the project
Turkish partner (Çubuk District Directorate for National Education-Çubuk DDNED) is a local authority in education and experienced on education management and EU cooperation.
Transnational meetings were realized with similar frequency that determined for project period at beginning level. It provides periodic control and update of responsibilities.All parties are keen on to share their experiences and take a part in this proposal.
IceVET project covers some activities in order to reach its objectives:
– Establishing project management teams in partner countries
– Dissemination package
– Research study: “How innovation works in VET systems in design oriented countries – South korea, Finland, USA, China and Japan”.
– Transnational project meetings
– Research study: “Competitiveness understanding of VET actors in IceVET countries.”
– Interim report
– Spot film of IceVET project
– Curriculum: “Draft curriculum for Innovation training in VET schools and centers”
– IceVET Project’s paper: “Awareness of Innovation and competitiveness in IceVET countries”
– Uploading project outputs into the digital environment
– Dissemination event with the participation of local authorities, VET actors and employers.
– Final report of IceVET project.
Quality and validity of project outputs are at high level and sustainable. All objectives and outcomes undertaken in the project were realized.
There are many strong and unique activities in IceVET project and they needs strong collaboration and hardwork to realize on time. Project team of IceVET knows and believes partners’ competences and qualifications to undertake important responsibilities in project period. Beside, each of tasks have been distributed according to the partners’ institutional characters and key staff’s qualifications. The main methodologies of the IceVET project are active collaboration, qualified observation, effective financial approach and impartial administration. Institutions/organizations have sufficient experience in order to apply these methodologies in IceVET project factual.
Constitution awareness on the issues “innovation and competitiveness” in VET systems in target regions, contribution EU 2020 targets through research studies, composing draft curriculum for “innovation training” in VET scools, identification of innovation and competitiveness perceptions of VET students, teachers, manager and local employers and sharing experiences obtained through project activities in scientific fields via scientific paper are aimed in IceVET project. Project results and outputs support innovation and competitiveness policy of EU.

EU Grant (Eur)

Funding of the project from EU: 107517 Eur

Project Coordinator

Cubuk Mesleki Egitim Merkezi & Country: TR

Project Partners

  • Cubuk Ilce Milli Egitim Mudurlugu