Internet: Under my skin Erasmus Project

General information for the Internet: Under my skin Erasmus Project

Internet: Under my skin Erasmus Project
July 7, 2020 12:00 am

Project Title

Internet: Under my skin

Project Key Action

This project related with these key action: Cooperation for innovation and the exchange of good practices

Project Action Type

This project related with this action type : Strategic Partnerships for Schools Only

Project Call Year

This project’s Call Year is 2017

Project Topics

This project is related with these Project Topics: International cooperation, international relations, development cooperation; Creativity and culture; ICT – new technologies – digital competences

Project Summary

The Internet is rapidly evolving, changing environment and important in many different branches because it allows people to communicate with each other through means. The important is to understand not just its advantages but even disadvantages. In this strategic partnership we – differently focused people, living in six European countries – explored several scientific issues as publishing options, cloud computing, the Internet history, how it works, law background in each country, netiquette, threats, opportunities for education, place for fun etc. Participants learned to present via innovative means and tools available on the Internet. They shared data in cloud and communicate information via several different channels. They understood to different services, knew how to approach to them and how to use them effectively. They understood copyright, creative commons and other important licenses in international comparison to avoid plagiarism, computer piracy etc. Do we know what netiquette means? Can we really distinguish borders between virtual and real life? Are we sure who is sitting on the other side, our bank account is safe, our personal data nobody abuse and do we know if our teenagers are under the threats of cyberbullying, cyberstalking, sexting or cybergrooming? These are the questions which were answered by theoretical and practical way. The project also identified the common cultural ground of the partner countries/communities by exploring each one’s society, lifestyle, sports, language features, economical aspects etc., trying to relate the uniqueness of each region with the actual eco-ethno-cultural diversity of the world. The aim of the project was to develop skills, abilities and qualities of each participant in context of the project theme. They reached their full potential which could enhance their employability, raised their confidence and led to a more fulfilling, higher quality life. The analysis and comparison of the relationship between the local environment and IT in the participating countries were a way for students to develop their knowledge and skills by applying the principles of “learning by teaching”, “lifelong learning” and “self-esteem development”. Effective cooperating among the participants from different countries were possible with the use of a common language (English) in which they shared values, exchanged good practices and communicated in everyday situations. They also reinforced their sense of belonging to the European society, strengthened their active European citizenship as much as developed their skills and increased their chance to succeed in the labour market.
The project was divided into 5 topics:
We swapped meetings in Estonia and the Azores due to the weather in these destinations. We left the partner countries with topics chosen by them. Thus, the topic “AVOID THE TREAT” appears fourth in the order and “EXIT ONLINE MODE” as fifth.
We assumed 215 direct participants actively working on the project. There were 130 people (111 students and 19 teachers) took part in mobilities. Since several teachers participated in two or more mobilities, we had 146 mobilities within the Learning/Teaching/Training. Activities. We organized one additonal activity, which was the student´s exchange between Slovenia and the Czech Republic with 60 students and 4 teachers.
All the partners realized the project using different effective methods to achieve the aims of the project, e.g. collecting data, monitoring, scientific researches and observing, making presentations, discussions, teaching/learning innovative practices, making materials with support of new technologies, etc. With this project we not only aimed at confronting different experiences but we also wanted to explore new ways of teaching in line with European standards.
We produced various spectrum of the results website, presentations, videos, posters, performance, interactive mini dictionary, work sheets, questionnaires, collections of photos, reports etc.
During the project period we realized and completed all the activities, created all the results, products and outcomes, achieved our main objectives and targets, planned in the project application. We organized 5 meetings and one student´s exchgange. The meetings included Learning/Teaching/Training Activities for participating students, creating and presentations of the outcomes and results, common discussions, project teachers’ meetings, visiting places related with the project theme, planning, evaluating and promoting the project and the Erasmus+ programme in media.

EU Grant (Eur)

Funding of the project from EU: 122200 Eur

Project Coordinator

Gymnazium Uherske Hradiste & Country: CZ

Project Partners

  • INS Alella
  • Gimnazija Kranj
  • Kadrina Keskkool
  • Escola Secundária da Ribeira Grande