Inventions and cultural behaviour Erasmus Project

General information for the Inventions and cultural behaviour Erasmus Project

Inventions and cultural behaviour Erasmus Project
July 7, 2020 12:00 am

Project Title

Inventions and cultural behaviour

Project Key Action

This project related with these key action: Cooperation for innovation and the exchange of good practices

Project Action Type

This project related with this action type : Strategic Partnerships for Schools Only

Project Call Year

This project’s Call Year is 2016

Project Topics

This project is related with these Project Topics: ICT – new technologies – digital competences; Entrepreneurial learning – entrepreneurship education; Creativity and culture

Project Summary

The distinguishing feature of the project was motivating students’ interest in Science and Maths through analyzing the old and new inventions of the humanity and their impact on people. The ground-breaking methods enabled students to learn and search for things in quite a different way. The acquired knowledge helped students to look for more information, get a deeper interest in things and fill in the missing gaps in their knowledge of Science and Maths. The information was searched for both in libraries and on the Internet what helped students to enrich their knowledge in the sphere of searching for information and would maintain the sustainable value – i.e. the skills that could be used in future. As we have found out that there had been no research which analyzed the changes caused by inventions on an international scale, that is why we thought this project was innovative.The main target group was the students of partner schools as the aim of the project was to teach and educate them as well as develop their abilities to acquire competences and skills including the knowledge of languages and using IT. The idea of the project was to involve students from different cultures in the activities, making their integration into the common European culture reasonable and helping them become the equal members of the European Union. Another target group was teachers of partner schools, as in the course of the project they also improved their own knowledge on past and present inventions, looked for the methods how to present Science and Mathematics in a more appealing way, shared the good experience in this field. The common topics that we analysed: old and new inventions in food technologies, old and new inventions in communication technologies, old and new inventions in chemistry and medicine. Before filling in the application form, the surveys that were carried out found the knowledge of these students in these fields were poor. Though the students understood the importance of present inventions, they did not link them with the old ones. They were not able to evaluate the influence that different cultures had on such inventions. Practical use of IT and the English language provided them with the opportunity to take part in international workshops and ensured the effectiveness of teaching and learning. Finding out the technical sides of these inventions the students, undoubtedly, enriched their native language as well as English (which was the language of the project) with technical vocabulary. The planned activity was related with IT such as collecting the necessary information, making presentations, creating films and the web page of the project and communicating on the net. Making the project on the international scale allowed the participants to distinguish the cultural differences, which appeared due to inventions. The work in international groups increased tolerance and understanding among its members. They were able to present their cultural identity as well as find out about the identity of their partners. Students developed their knowledge and skills in all fields covered by the project. Firstly, they learned how to gather and select necessary information, process it and create presentations or organize other activities. Using the information communication techniques and linguistic knowledge, they also built informative materials in English, which were used as a part of their schools’ websites informing about project realization, work in two languages. That helped to promote schools and make their websites more understandable to foreign visitors. Partner schools websites were also inter-linked here, which increased interest in the schools activities and their meaning in local environment. Partners also prepared their own promoting leaflets which they used both for project dissemination and as a promoting material to encourage new students to involve into the project activities. The project website showed information about how old inventions had changed people’s cultural life. That topic was not common on the internet, and normally it was possible to find information how such inventions changed life, but without the adjective “cultural”. The website showed the topic seen through the eyes of young people who actually had little knowledge about those inventions and culture before they were created. As a result, we got an interesting informative material presented in an attractive way for young people and widely available to anybody seeking such information. The project results were disseminated to possible majority of persons getting into any interaction with schools participating in the project and through other dissemination activities to other specific target groups such as local environment, potential future students and their environment, educational authorities in partner countries. Thanks to publications in mass media and the internet the results were available to a wide range of recipients on re

EU Grant (Eur)

Funding of the project from EU: 142250 Eur

Project Coordinator

VSI Kauno Juozo Urbsio katalikiska pagrindine mokykla & Country: LT

Project Partners

  • haci hatice bayraktar anadolu lisesi
  • Osnovna sola Benedikt
  • Zespol Szkol Publicznych w Kunowej