Invitation: Local networking Event in Italy!
Online Event – February 1, 2022, 2-5 pm
EDUWORK.NET PROJECT – First local networking event
This Tuesday, the first of the three local networking events that FORMA organizes in collaboration with CIOFS-FP will take place online, as part of the ERASMUS + project, which aims to build networks and partnerships between institutions vocational training and the world of work, at regional, national and European level.
During the meeting, the tools developed by Eduwork.Net to support training institutions to establish mobility paths abroad for their pupils as well as their trainers will be presented, including presentation of the Call on Mobility which expires on 23 February 2022.
To participate in the Seminar, send an email to by January 31, 2022, indicating your name, organization and e-mail address. Subscribers will be sent the link for connecting to the Zoom platform.
The event will take place in Italian and it will be free of charge.