IoT for new business ( INTERNET OF EVERYTHING) Erasmus Project
General information for the IoT for new business ( INTERNET OF EVERYTHING) Erasmus Project
Project Title
IoT for new business ( INTERNET OF EVERYTHING)
Project Key Action
This project related with these key action: Cooperation for innovation and the exchange of good practices
Project Action Type
This project related with this action type : Strategic Partnerships for vocational education and training
Project Call Year
This project’s Call Year is 2018
Project Topics
This project is related with these Project Topics: Quality Improvement Institutions and/or methods (incl. school development); Entrepreneurial learning – entrepreneurship education; ICT – new technologies – digital competences
Project Summary
The IoT for new business (Internet of Everything) project has been a challenge for all transnational partners. Somewhat familiar with the theme, the beneficiary invited into the project and encouraged the participation of the other partners, from the perspective of the technical-scientific and methodical-pedagogical contribution that each one could and offered within the project. The project started from 2 very clear realities: a super digitized economy that can no longer be satisfied with a certain level of competences of employees and national educational systems quite conservative in accepting that they must update to meet the needs of the economic environment. Of course, steps towards a curricular reform can be found in all partner countries, but it seems that this reform does not have the same pace as the European Agenda on Education. We all know what we have to do but how much do we do from what we need to do? The experience of the project has shown us that VET is that part of the educational system with great openness to innovation. We do not want innovation for the sake of innovation, but because we know, understand and accept the need to appropriate students’ professional competences to the economic reality. This project has undertaken to connect people, information, processes and things. (IoE), starting from a technological reality: IoT and from a system need: bringing the curriculum closer to economic reality. The project encouraged peer learning through LTT activities, the collegiality being extended between students and teachers participating in the training sessions. We went beyond the concept of a project in which only some learn and we showed that our schools must be schools that learn, that in school both the student and the teacher must always learn, each from the perspective of his role in the educational act. Have we been able to create a network of IoT/IOE schools? Sure we did! We managed to prepare students and teachers the resource for others in terms of IoT curricular innovation for new business (Internet of Everything). Sure we did! We managed to bring to our educational systems, through the partners schools, a support for curricular updating: curriculum, textbook, e-learning platform? Sure we did! We managed to draw the attention of the local economic environment in our communities to the openness we have to learn about things that seemed inaccessible or undesirable to be known by VET? Sure we did! The participants: students and teachers, supported by representatives of local companies, of local public authorities, of regional educational authorities, have acquired added value professionally, by acquiring competences that other students and teachers, from other schools, do not have and have not designed to acquire! In this way, the partner schools in the project, VET schools have become more visible in their educational communities, more interesting as a school and vocational option, more reliable in the relationship with the economic environment. The whole project aims to make the IoT/IoE generation aware of the opportunities it has, on the challenges it has to respond to, on the solutions it has to provide. The project proposed a curricular innovation to help the schools that want to implement it to obtain the aforementioned results. It is a closed circuit: the educational environment must be more adequate to the economic environment which, in turn, through the evolutions it proposes, must support the educational environment to innovate. The project is an answer, but there may be others (through other projects) for constructive intervention, based on high-quality IoT competences and digitized entrepreneurship, in the economic future of the communities from which the direct and indirect participants come, but, why not, also thought from the perspective of the European economy.
Project Website
EU Grant (Eur)
Funding of the project from EU: 176563,2 Eur
Project Coordinator
Liceul Tehnologic “Valeriu Braniste” & Country: RO
Project Partners
- Inspectoratul Scolar Judetean Timis
- Cumhuriyet Mesleki ve Teknik Anadolu Lisesi