It’s My Life – It’s My Choice Erasmus Project

General information for the It’s My Life – It’s My Choice Erasmus Project

It’s My Life – It’s My Choice  Erasmus Project
July 7, 2020 12:00 am

Project Title

It’s My Life – It’s My Choice

Project Key Action

This project related with these key action: Cooperation for innovation and the exchange of good practices

Project Action Type

This project related with this action type : Strategic Partnerships for school education

Project Call Year

This project’s Call Year is 2014

Project Topics

This project is related with these Project Topics: Teaching and learning of foreign languages; ICT – new technologies – digital competences; Health and wellbeing

Project Summary

Education in its general sense is a form of learning in which the knowledge, skills, and habits of a group of people are transferred from one generation to the next through teaching, training, or research. For us, as teachers , our daily work involves institutionalized teaching and learning in relation to a curriculum but we can’t forget that any experience that has a formative effect on the way one thinks, feels, or acts may be considered educational. It’s there where our Erasmus+ project fits, preparing students for life as active citizens.
Informal learning for young people is an ongoing process that occurs in a variety of places, not only at home or at school. This project allows us to offer our students a wider range of opportunities by being working with other European schools’ partners. It’s our duty to reflect on what life skills they will need to succeed, building a bridge into the future.
Creativity, problem solving, decision making, critical thinking and analysis will be the thinking skills we will focus on, and citizenship, social responsibility, cultural awareness, challenging stereotypes and networking the ones within the social skills. Everything aimed humans to develop the three general themes Health, Food and Human Relationships within the broader issue “It’s My Life, It’s My Choice”
Health education is a combination of learning experiences designed to help individuals and communities to improve their health, by increasing their knowledge or influencing their attitudes. Smoking, drinking, and using drugs can really affect people’s lives. Unfortunately alcohol and some drugs have become more socially acceptable, and this makes it even easier for people to experiment at younger ages. In addition, alcohol and drugs are readily accessible to many of today’s youngsters, which further increases the likelihood that they will use substances at some time.

We believe that all children should understand the origins of their food: where it comes from, how it is produced, and what it means for personal and public health. Equipping students with food and nutrition education will empower them with lifelong skills, so that they can make their choice where necessary. What they buy, what they eat will make a difference for the world they want to live in.

Human relationships are powerful. It is our connection to each other that gives meaning to our lives. Our caring for each other is often what motivates us to make change. And establishing connections with people from diverse backgrounds can be key in making significant changes in our communities. As individuals, and in groups, we can change our communities. Becoming aware of our own culture is the first step in learning about other people’s culture.

Technology plays an increasingly significant role in improving our lives for people living in both impoverished areas and developing countries. Technology is transforming fast and people are interconnected, making communication global and rapid. That’s why technology will be the support for almost all the activities to be done along the whole project.

We will integrate the project in our schools curriculum through activities which will help students to encourage the simultaneous learning of content and a foreign language. Promoting in our schools a content and learning integrated language (CLIL) we will develop our pupils’ communicative competences in other languages.
Most of the activities imply students’ collaborative-learning tasks, and they will be arranged in such a way that communication among students and teachers of the different schools will be essential. We will take advantage of the ICT tools, the educational possibilities of blogs and wikis. These content development and management technologies will enable an interactive and inter-creative engagement amongst students and between students and teachers.

We want our pupils to reflect on their own learning process by sharing what they are learning at school with their foreign partners. This will develop responsibility within pupils allowing them to be involved in decision making and the implementation of activities, increasing students’ motivation and making learning process more attractive for them.
Pupils will develop confidence, leadership and entrepreneurial skills by allowing them to lead small groups within planned activities.
The project will enable our schools to learn about good practices in nutrition, lifestyle, sport and hygiene.
At the same time, and following what the 2020 strategy says, we are sure that with our project, students who are in risk of early school leaving will feel motivated to participate in school daily activities. It will be a different way to fully develop their talents for them to become lifelong learners. These students usually feel themselves more confident and eager to cooperate with their classmates when we use methodologies closer to their lifestyle learning environment that focuses on their needs.

EU Grant (Eur)

Funding of the project from EU: 161690 Eur

Project Coordinator


Project Partners

  • Grotiuscollege Delft
  • Norgårdenskolan