ItsTIME Erasmus Project
General information for the ItsTIME Erasmus Project
Project Title
Project Key Action
This project related with these key action: Cooperation for innovation and the exchange of good practices
Project Action Type
This project related with this action type : Strategic Partnerships for youth
Project Call Year
This project’s Call Year is 2016
Project Topics
This project is related with these Project Topics: Integration of refugees; Entrepreneurial learning – entrepreneurship education; Labour market issues incl. career guidance / youth unemployment
Project Summary
Entrepreneurship is one of the key levers to face the new competitive scenario presented by the world of work, characterized by changes and evolutions that require us to face new challenges. Developing and supporting an entrepreneurial culture, especially among young people, represents a driving force for the modern economy and a way out of the unemployment problem, as reiterated in the Europe 2020 strategy. Moreover, given the critical moment, particular attention will be given to the support of young migrants present on the European territory and in particular in the countries involved in the project (Italy, Finland, Denmark, Greece, Serbia, Germany, Slovakia, Romania, France and Bulgaria).
A web platform was created within the ItsTIME project, with the aim of changing the way of conceiving the matching between job demand and offer and formal and non-formal learning.
The overall objective of the project was to support skills and qualifications transparency and recognition, by creating an innovative system that could be used in several EU countries, such as the ItsTIME web platform.
The ItsTIME project was conceived around a transnational strategic partnership aimed at real cooperation, synergy and complementarity, between different organizations. The project partnership represented 10 EU countries, plus 12 organizations, some of which in recent years have collaborated with each other in the drafting and implementation of previous projects in the field of youth policies and in the promotion and development of similar interventions as ItsTIME. The partners were identified on the Eurostat basis on youth unemployment/employment data and on the presence of young migrants (such as refugees and asylum seekers). ItsTIME is a project on business culture, in order to raise awareness among young people between 21 and 35 years of age in developing the necessary skills to reach more easily the world of work .
With ItsTIME you can familiarize yourself with the topics of self-employment and self-employment and take advantage of information and training tools in order to translate ideas into business.
The project activities developed over a period of 24 months, beginning on 12 December 2016 and ending on 11 December 2018. Three Transnational Project Coordination Meetings were held, with the partecipation of one representative from each partner organization. The first TPM should have been implemented in Messina, but following the substantial reduction of the project budget (around 100 thousand euro), it was decided, after having obtained the authorization of the NA, to realize the first coordination TPM via skype conference, which served to plan the project activities. The other two coordination TPMs were held regularly, one in Sofia (Bulgaria) in November 2017, where the reports on the socio-economic mapping of each participating country were presented and discussed. Furthermore, was given space to the planning and organization of the Intellectual Output activities to be carried out throughout the second half of the project .
The last TPM took place in Messina (Italy) in November 2018, where were presented the results of the activities carried out over the last two years, a preview of the platform realized within the project and were made agreements for possible developments and future collaborations. All this made it possible to evaluate the project according to the quantitative-qualitative data collected and to express an analysis of the results and objectives achieved. During the same period, the “Take Your Future Now” multiplier event was held, which saw the participation of over 4600 participants, including over 10 foreigners.
Two Learning, Teaching and Training Activities sessions (Blended) activities were also carried out, both in 2018, carried out in the reference countries of the CCIE partners, and involved about 40 participants.
The Blended mobilities intended to make participants aware of the CCIE system and to support their work, in the dissemination activity among the associated companies, of the project and web platform. At the same time, it was given the task of identifying and contacting potential national stakeholders, capable of supporting the development, even in the future, of ItsTIME.
The added value of these activities was that of allowing participants to develop their personal, professional and transversal skills, and to know in the countries in which they were located, the methods of business creation, business planning and social innovation. At the end of each Blended, the participants acquired the know-how and worked to create informative material about the creation of a business, especially in the field of social innovation.
EU Grant (Eur)
Funding of the project from EU: 222954 Eur
Project Coordinator
Project Partners
- A.N.O.L.F. Associazione Nazionale oltre le Frontiere – Messina
- Langues & Compagnie
- Komora italijansko-srpskih privrednika PU Beograd
- Suomalais-Italialainen Kauppakamariyhdistys ry
- Taliansko Slovenska Obchodna Komora