joy in education Erasmus Project
General information for the joy in education Erasmus Project
Project Title
joy in education
Project Key Action
This project related with these key action: Cooperation for innovation and the exchange of good practices
Project Action Type
This project related with this action type : Strategic Partnerships for Schools Only
Project Call Year
This project’s Call Year is 2016
Project Topics
This project is related with these Project Topics: Creativity and culture; Key Competences (incl. mathematics and literacy) – basic skills; New innovative curricula/educational methods/development of training courses
Project Summary
Context/background of the project; ‘JOY in Education’ leads to finding JOY in everyday school life. It teaches learners how to handle consciously values and norms, diversity and sense-giving, but also improve basic skills (language, maths), and language competence. All these ‘Life Skills’ we want our pupils to develop and lead them towards managing and living a better quality of life, help them to accomplish their ambitions and live to their full potential, depending on their life circumstances, culture, beliefs and geographic location.
Objectives; We expect that the competences of the basic skills will improve, that students will learn how to collaborate, finding it enriching. We will focus on expressing feelings and expressive activities, in feeling free to share ideas, in stimulating creativity. Students will be taught using music to learn foreign languages, express themselves in art, music, writing, composing, handicraft, physical education and learn how to respect each other as a European citizen. Teachers will be trained in new methods: CLIL, Space learning, Improvisation theater, emotional intelligence, the Positive Classroom, and Cooperative learning, Multiple Intelligence, Cross Curricular activities and Outdoor Learning.
Number and profile of participating organisations:
The 6 participating primary schools are:
1.Istituto Comprensivo 3 Chieti, Italy. The school program is founded on some basic projects using new teaching methods, ICT, environment and nutrition education, alternative P.E., different languages, “media education” and the use of theatrical arts. 2.13o Dimotiko Scholeio Kalamarias, Greece. We have extra subjects: Art, Drama, Music, ITC, English, German and French. Teachers apply to many innovative programs such as eTwinning, health education, environment and culture and many cross-curricular programs.
3.Szkola Podstawowa nr 11 im. Stefana Batorego, Poland is situated in social and economic disadvantaged area. Many pupils with challenging behaviour, emotional disorders and dyslexia. The project will give our pupils a great opportunity to learn about different countries, to improve their English, reading and writing skills and to be more active Europeans.
4. The population of Pcb Het Baken, Capelle a/d IJssel, the Netherlands is most autochthon, with a lot of children from other countries. We have, more than average, children with special needs. Because of the good results of former school partnerships, we recognise that international education is a high-quality project.
5.St. Kliment Ohridski, Haskovo, Bulgaria, is one of the leading schools in the region. We have three computer labs equipped. The school trains 665 students. There are a lot of extracurricular activities.
6.Easterfield is a small rural school near Turriff, Scotland. We have 22 pupils, 14 of which have additional support needs. Many of the pupils’ horizons and experiences are narrow and our pupils in the past have benefited greatly from their involvement in a Comenius project.
Description of undertaken main activities with the results and attained impact: All the results are put in twinspace.
1. Activities of the children (A)
2. Workshops for the teachers (C)
3. Teaching by the foreign teachers (M)
Every project meeting (6) consists of three parts:
1. Evaluation and planning; 2. Training of didactic methods (C1-C7); 3. Teaching students by the visiting teachers of project subjects.
A1- Introduction of schools, classes, staff and local areas of each partner school by pieces of art, photos, PowerPoints, videos. The creation of ‘European Erasmus Window’ boards in each school. The results were put on the Erasmus Window in each school and in some classrooms. The impact of this project part was an eyeopener for students, teachers and parents. It has a follow up by Questions and answers. Pupil ask pupils of other partners how f.e. looks their playground, or ask if they get homework, or sports tournaments. On twinspace there is a special page for this Q&A.
A2- European digital journal “Blabla”. The journal will be updated every month focusing on the main project events in the partners’ schools and their areas. Special for the older students. The results were put in the classrooms , the “window “and on a special website.(
A3-Running a competition to design the project’s logo which will be open to all students. Student Councils will vote for a winning logo for each school. Out of the 6 local winning logos the children choose a best one. The Greek one was the winner. A Scottish designer made it a wonderful logo. This item brought the project close to the mind of the children and joy was in!
A4- Joy to the world: Creative Xmas. Hand-craft and/or handmade cards exchanged among partners. The impact was every year another class and learning some foreign languages.
EU Grant (Eur)
Funding of the project from EU: 118100 Eur
Project Coordinator
pcb Het Baken & Country: NL
Project Partners
- Istituto Comprensivo n°3 Chieti
- Easterfield Primary School
- Primary school “St. Kliment Ohridski”
- Szkola Podstawowa nr 11 im. Stefana Batorego
- 13o Dimotiko Scholeio Kalamarias