Learning through outdoor activities based in multiple intelligences Erasmus Project
General information for the Learning through outdoor activities based in multiple intelligences Erasmus Project
Project Title
Learning through outdoor activities based in multiple intelligences
Project Key Action
This project related with these key action: Cooperation for innovation and the exchange of good practices
Project Action Type
This project related with this action type : Strategic Partnerships for Schools Only
Project Call Year
This project’s Call Year is 2015
Project Topics
This project is related with these Project Topics: EU Citizenship, EU awareness and Democracy; Pedagogy and didactics; ICT – new technologies – digital competences
Project Summary
In a time when the students’ motivation for studying STEM subjects needs to be increased all over Europe, we want to find more friendly, enjoyable, useful methods adapted to their particular skills and competences, looking at 21st century classroom scenarios, inside and outside classrooms. It is necessary that teachers discover new teaching activities and procedures. The classical approach in teaching STEM (science, technology, engineering y mathematics) creates passive learners; while it’s important to engage pupils in order to have them take an active role (Bednar, Coughlin, Evans, & Sievers, 2002).
Therefore, in order to achieve this aim we’re going to teach based on multiple intelligences using outdoor activites. We think that learning should not only prepare one for life, but should also be an integral part of life itself. Simulating real problems and real problem-solving is one function of project based learning. Projects assist students in succeeding within the classroom and beyond, because they allow learners to apply multiple intelligences in completing a project they can be proud of. Our society values individuals who can solve problems creatively, using multiple strengths, so why shouldn’t we encourage students to do the same?
This project will be carried out by secondary school students (12-16 year-old). Students with different social backgrounds will be involved and work together in all activities. Target groups of 50 pupils will be formed in each partner school to participate directly in activities, although our aim is that all school students take part in it either directly or indirectly. On the other hand a group of teachers will be coordinating and supervising activities in each school.
Our aim is that activities will be carried out for all students, that means students with different competences, intelligences, capacities and social backgrounds. We’ve designed next activities:
1. Erasmus+ corner at each school
2. Etwinning and Twinspace
3. Project website to share all the process and activities
4. In the journalist’s footsteps: surveys about our project topic.
5. My school is cool – Lipdub: Students prepare a lipdub at their schools.
6. Camping experience: Students spend 2-3 days camping. They will be hiking, collecting materials, building models and drawing geographics maps. There will also do a geocaching activity.
7. My universe: Students will learn about astronomy, visit a science centre where do direct observations and interviews.
8. Solidarity Event: Students take part in organising a solidary event at their schools.
9. My history: Students find out about their local history, by asking people in the families and old members of community. Finally, they have to tell the story to the class by using drama.
10. As a weatherman: Students observe the weather regularly, and they keep a record in a data base, prepare a weather forecast as TV presenter, print results weekly, make comparisons with other partners result.
11. Let’s move – Erasmus+ flashmob: Students play a flashmob. They learn to dance and play.
12. Graffiti Wall: Students draw graffiti wall abouty their feelings or everything they want to show or talk about.
13. Model making: Students analyze their enviroment (countryside, forest, etc) based on model making. Also, they will model means of transport, and use it to study movement, friction, etc.
Our methodology will be based on 3 key aspects:
-Multiple Intelligences: Each student is different so we have to provide them different tools to reach the objectives. Therefore, we should move from traditional teaching strategies to 21st century teaching scenarios.
-Outdoor enviroment: we think that to help all the students to use their full thinking potential, it is necessary not only to teach them in classroom what a good mindset is, also we need to find ways to convince students of the value of the teaching. Because outdoor and adventurous activities facilitates authentic or experiential learning and gives better access to the main pathways to learning.
-ICT and new technologies: they will be pivotal to the success of our project. We’re living in a digital world.
By mixing of all these components, our aim is to increase students’ motivation by promoting active learning through direct personal experiences. We’re going to deal with each activity from the 8 intelligences (Howard Gardner model).
Expected RESULTS are: websites, computer presentations, leaflets, posters, videos, books, costumes, mockups, school panels, plays, surveys, interviews, graphs, films, drawings and paintings, photos, writings, etc.
The desired IMPACT on the participants, participating organisations, target groups and other relevant stakeholders will be using new methodologies to improve quality education, open student’s minds in all senses (towards Europe, Education, cooperation, etc), be aware of ICT culture and how to use it to solve problems, and improve student’s motivation as well.
EU Grant (Eur)
Funding of the project from EU: 106394 Eur
Project Coordinator
Colegio San Cristobal Martir I & Country: ES
Project Partners
- St Nicholas Catholic High School
- Escola Básica Integrada da Povoação
- Evangelische Schule St. Marien Neubrandenburg
- Zespol Szkol w Karczmiskach
- Istituto Istruzione Scolastica Superiore “Carlo Alberto Dalla Chiesa”