“Let Us Be a Breath For Future” Erasmus Project

General information for the “Let Us Be a Breath For Future” Erasmus Project

“Let Us Be a Breath For Future” Erasmus Project
September 14, 2022 12:00 am

Project Title

“Let Us Be a Breath For Future”

Project Key Action

This project related with these key action: Cooperation for innovation and the exchange of good practices

Project Action Type

This project related with this action type : School Exchange Partnerships

Project Call Year

This project’s Call Year is 2020

Project Topics

This project is related with these Project Topics: Natural sciences; Health and wellbeing; Environment and climate change

Project Summary

Our world has been struggling with oxygen starvation in recent years. Cities face many negative factors that pollute the air like smokes and wastes from factories, the burning of fossil fuels, household cleaning products and overpopulation. European Environment Agency (EEA) stated in the latest “Environmental Status” report that Europe is facing unprecedented environmental challenges. In EEA’s 2018 report, it was stated that air pollution has been decreasing throughout his union, but this situation still causes 480 thousand premature deaths every year. It is apparently seen that the number of people who die because of air pollution is much more than the ones that die because of other reasons. Among the studies about pollution; to set limits and target values for air quality, to encourage people using public transportation in order to reduce pollutant emissions from vehicles especially in crowded cities, to protect and enhance green areas can be counted. All these measures have prevented air pollution up to a point. In addition, industrial products have become indispensable in many areas of our lives. It is a fact that we naturally face the negative effects of these products in all indoor spaces. The products that we use indoors such as detergent, ink, glue, building materials, paint, fabric and paper issues. They produce rodon gas, petrol, ammonia and trichlorethylene. And also, we live together with radiation containing tools such as phones, tablets, computers and copiers. It is stated that numerous negative effects that can be observed in humans as a result of air pollution. These effects are mental disorders, irritability, chronic asthma, cough, nose-eye-skin allergies, throat destruction, decreased breathing capacity and even cancer diseases. The importance of the quality of air that we breathe indoors is increasing day by day. That is the starting point of our project. The overall aim of the project is to increase the quality of the air we breathe indoors. Because we want to reduce the harm caused by these negative effects. We want to create more liveable areas for future generations and provide plants that increase the air quality in living spaces. With this project we want to ensure that indoor planting is done consciously if we can teach Botany and Ecology as optional lessons or as project works at schools, we will create awareness about the importance of the indoor plants that clean the air we breathe. NASA has analysed 50 plants which clean the air for every 10m2 in indoor places. Some of these plants are spathipyllum wallisi, chrysanthemum, parthcnocissus, liriope muscari, ladypalm, gerber daisy and massengena. The project partners will grow plants that are suitable for their own climate conditions in their classes and permaculture gardens and also, they will explain the importance of this study to their students. We aim to make it a habit for future generations that growing these kinds of plants in all indoor places. Our project partners are from the schools of Turkey, Northern Republic of Macedonia, Romania, Portugal and
Serbia. Each mobility group should be consisted of 4 teachers. The target groups of the project are teachers, students, parents and non-governmental organizations which are related to education. It is aimed to transfer our achievements to each other and want to be effective in larger groups then. Partners will create exemplary schools and classes in their environment, the project experience of teachers will increase, teachers’ and students’ willingness to produce and participate in new projects will increase, schools will attract students’ interest with their projects and different teaching methods and with the help of all these positive effects, dropping out of the schools is to be prevented to some extent. Moreover, participants will be able to improve their English, learn new words and idioms from each other and socialize with different culture’s people. The partners will tell the beneficial aspects of various plants in their own regions to other partners, the use of plants for different purposes will become widespread, the forgotten secrets of herbal cures will be passed on from generations to generations, it will be provided to grow medical and aromatic plants, to produce worm humus. Even worm humus will be able to sold in the future. All the planned events will be shared on web page of the schools, EBA news, e-Twinning, Erasmus Projects results platform and social media accounts that will be created for the project. For all activities, a project booklet with the title of “Let Us Be a Breath for Future” will be created.

EU Grant (Eur)

Funding of the project from EU: 113920 Eur

Project Coordinator

Aliaga Habas Hamdi Basaran Mesleki ve Teknik Anadolu Lisesi & Country: TR

Project Partners

  • Scoala Gimnaziala “Mihai Eminescu”
  • Osnovna skola “Miroslav Antic”
  • Agrupamento de Escolas de Vialonga
  • OOU „Tosho Velkov – Pepeto“