Let’s Learn Innovative Logistics Erasmus Project
General information for the Let’s Learn Innovative Logistics Erasmus Project
Project Title
Let’s Learn Innovative Logistics
Project Key Action
This project related with these key action: Cooperation for innovation and the exchange of good practices
Project Action Type
This project related with this action type : Strategic Partnerships for vocational education and training
Project Call Year
This project’s Call Year is 2017
Project Topics
This project is related with these Project Topics: Open and distance learning; New innovative curricula/educational methods/development of training courses
Project Summary
One of the indicators of progress in the evolving field of transportation & logistics is a 7% growth in the number of logistics lease transactions recorded on the European market in 2015 [http://www.cushmanwakefield.pl,2017]). To be able to flourish, the industry requires innovative solutions which enhance flexibility and competitiveness. The research shows that companies attaching great importance to innovation see the highest increases in turnover (Innobarometer, 2015). According to the report of the European Innovation Scoreboard (EIS) 2016 on innovation performance of EU Member States, Poland is much below the EU average and is ranked among the performers with an innovation index at 0.29 (the leader is Sweden with an index score of 0.7). The index score of the project partner Italy is at 0.43. Both the countries grapple with problems which prevent them from becoming pioneers and leaders in developing and introducing state-of-the-art solutions. The next project partner is based in Austria, ranked by EIS as a strong innovator with the performance at 0.59 which has been declining since 2014. This project will bridge a gap in the need for transport & logistics workforce equipped with innovation skills and knowledge.
The purpose of the project is to improve innovation performance in the logistics industry through:
• Raising awareness of the need for implementing innovative solutions among transportation & logistics employees and trainees
• Creating and applying in practice the tools to identify the participants’ predispositions and competencies for developing innovative solutions as Innovation Designers (IDs) and Innovation Executors (IEs)
• Improving innovative solution developing skills in logistics
• Gaining more insight into the potential for implementing innovative solutions in logistics companies
• Bridging the gaps in the skills demonstrated by transportation & logistics employees and trainees
• Developing e-learning courses with individual learning paths which provide their participants with innovation knowledge and increase their capabilities
• Affording the project participant countries an opportunity to catch up with European leaders in innovation performance (Sweden, Denmark)
• Changing the attitude of transportation & logistics employees and trainees from reactive to pro- active
The project consists in building an innovative e-learning platform offering access to courses which boost creativity and innovation skills among transport & logistics employees, students and trainees. In the first place the platform members will be asked to complete a set of tests which identify creative competency and the level of knowledge on introducing and commercialising innovation. The diagnosis results will provide the grounds for allocating the participant to one of two groups: passive IE or active ID. This will enable proposing an individual learning path, designed specifically to close the gaps in areas of knowledge and skills as identified in competency tests.
A new tool to use will be Assessment Center (AC) as a part of the SCRUM logic where test users verify the test based on which participants are classified as ID/IE. The subject matter of tests will be subject to control. The tools intended for final users will be amended in line with the test recommendations.
The project will involves creating:
– a tool to test and dividing users of the platform on two groups: “innovation designers” and “innovation executors” of the innovative solutions in logistics – Developing an online tool to diagnose the TSL employee creativity level and to specify the role of the tool in an innovative logistic organisation – the function of a designer or a conscious innovation recipient- executor
– a tool to identify competence gaps related to the knowledge about tools and methods to implement innovative ideas in 4 language versions – Developing an online tool to diagnose gaps in 3 competences needed in the innovative organisation:
a. Knowledge about the necessary tools and methods to implement innovative ideas in the organisation (e.g. design thinking),
b. Knowledge about innovative solutions in logistics (e.g. Logistics 4.0. solutions)
c. Innovation absorption.
– e-learning courses in 4 languages
The project’s originality lies in adapting the course to individual requirements of the participant and offering him or her a custom learning path based on identified competency gaps. A new development will be an intelligent platform with e-learning courses which will automatically adapt and assign training modules to the user based upon the previous verification of his or her knowledge and skills.
The project’s target group include transportation & logistics employees and students. In the long run, an employee able to think laterally, be focused on the problem, familiar with creative thinking and unconventional idea implementation methods will prepare the ground for the next revolution.
EU Grant (Eur)
Funding of the project from EU: 294575 Eur
Project Coordinator
PWN AI Sp. z o.o. & Country: PL
Project Partners