Let’s Play Outdoor Games! Erasmus Project

General information for the Let’s Play Outdoor Games! Erasmus Project

Let’s Play Outdoor Games! Erasmus Project
July 7, 2020 12:00 am

Project Title

Let’s Play Outdoor Games!

Project Key Action

This project related with these key action: Cooperation for innovation and the exchange of good practices

Project Action Type

This project related with this action type : Strategic Partnerships for Schools Only

Project Call Year

This project’s Call Year is 2017

Project Topics

This project is related with these Project Topics: International cooperation, international relations, development cooperation; Quality Improvement Institutions and/or methods (incl. school development); New innovative curricula/educational methods/development of training courses

Project Summary

Outdoors education, which is the subject of the project, can be defined as an experimental learning method through all the senses by exposure to the natural environment (Lund, PM; Gaigher R., 2002). Today, it is not enough to educate children independently. Diversity should be provided in educational settings for children to interact with their environment throughout the educational process as from early ages. (Sobel, D., 1997) Through out-of-school instruction as a complementary model of in-class instruction, children have the opportunity to learn through their hearing in a comfortable environment. In addition, it can be said that outdoor games have a positive impact on Gardner’s multiple intelligence theory and can be said to be based on studies in the literature that have created positive developments especially in the areas of natural intelligence, inner intelligence, social intelligence and bodily intelligence (Sahin, C. , 2007). We can show that children enjoy outdoor activities more than the classroom activities , have a higher motivation and more permanent learning because they learn by doing-living(Civelek, 2016).

The objectives of our project are;
* To learn and teach outdoor games belonging to different cultures from each other,
*To learn “how we can take learning outdoor” from each other,enrich its implementation,examples of activities and prepare lesson plans,
* To enrich the outdoor pedagogical infrastructure of our teachers by exchanging information with our partners and by observing the schools,
* To make learning more permanent, creative and fun,
* To enrich and diversify our educational environments,
*To increase the sports/physical activities and make them more active,
* To increase the love of nature and environmental awareness of our students,
*To raise awareness of students about healthy living and healthy nutrition,
* By exchanging our experiences and good practises,we can learn from each other transnationally. All of the partners are interested in outdoor pedagogy and share their knowledge.

We are 7 primary schools from partner countries, Turkey (coordinator), Finland, Greece, Italy, Portugal, Poland and United Kingdom. 42 students and 55 teachers will actively participate in the transnational mobilities. We will do 4 Transnational Meetings and 3 Learning/Teaching/Training events. With the help of our project, we will learn different and cultural outdoor games and enrich our educational life of the students crossculturally. We will have an exchange of ideas about taking learning outdoors, the sample activities and lesson plans for teaching maths, science, social sciences, language, arts, physical education, etc. outside the classroom. We will also create a school atmosphere with the students playing and learning at the same time. We will increase the awareness of healthy students, healthy children, healthy life styles and healthy nutritituon. We aim at creating a holistic approach of teachers and students through outdoor pedagogy. Students will both learn and play at school. They will acquire the knowledge about environmental consciousness and healthy living (nutrition and physical activity). The students will spend more time outside the classroom and again they will learn through experience.

We will prepare a “Handbook for Outdoor Games and Taking Learning Outdoors” and publish it in English and every partner’s language. Also, we will distribute its e-book format in our project’s blog page and in our eTwinning project. The teachers will learn new outdoor games and activities to take learning outdoors from there. We will show some photos and videos in the blog page and social media through facebook, twitter,etc. Every partner will organize a seminar in their countries to the school principals about the project, its targets, results and the outputs will be run. Then, the school principals will present them to the primary school teachers. They will motivate their teachers to use these methods at schools.

As a conclusion, Our students will both learn and have fun at school with outdoor games, and love spending their time at schools more. As we will enrich and diversify our educational environments, our students will also learn peripherally and experience different subjects in different and enriched outdoor places/gardens as classrooms. Students will be more active, do much more sport/physical activities and be healthier. We aim at our students have beneficial habits throughout their entire upbringing and in their lifetime.

EU Grant (Eur)

Funding of the project from EU: 127700 Eur

Project Coordinator


Project Partners

  • Istituto Comprensivo 13
  • 7th Primary School of Rethymno
  • EDIFACOOP – Cooperativa de Educação do Indivíduo, Formação e Apoio, CRL
  • Merchants’ Academy
  • Szkola Podstawowa im. Cypriana Kamila Norwida w Zakrecie
  • Saviniemen koulu