Love and Respect – Preventing teen daiting violence II Erasmus Project
General information for the Love and Respect – Preventing teen daiting violence II Erasmus Project
Project Title
Love and Respect – Preventing teen daiting violence II
Project Key Action
This project related with these key action: Cooperation for innovation and the exchange of good practices
Project Action Type
This project related with this action type : Strategic Partnerships for youth
Project Call Year
This project’s Call Year is 2017
Project Topics
This project is related with these Project Topics: Youth (Participation, Youth Work, Youth Policy) ; Gender equality / equal opportunities
Project Summary
Teen Dating Violence (TDV) is a phenomenon that is prevalent and has serious impacts on the physical and psychological health of teenagers and young people, affecting also their ability to establish future healthy relationships. This topic is quite unknown, there are not data and researches available, TDV is not defined in legislation either policy papers, it is not anchored in the prevention materials. However, from the prior experience of proFem, teens and young people do experience this phenomenon. Thus we decided to focus on this topic in-depth, and we wanted to raise awareness about this unknown phenomenon not only in the Czech Republic – therefore the international partnership among 7 countries was established.
The project aimed to build an international partnership for the prevention of teen dating violence. To achieve so, these objectives were defined:
– To highlight the TDV problem and advocate for better and systematic prevention on national and European levels
– To develop innovative tools for prevention of TDV (mobile application-quiz)
– To raise awareness about TDV and healthy relationships among youth
– To create a platform for cooperation and sharing of experiences and best practices
– To increase competencies of youth workers and educators in effective prevention of TDV
In the project seven different participating organizations from seven countries among Europe and South Caucasus cooperated: Verein Hazissa – Fachstelle für Prävention (Austria), Fundación Privada Indera (Spain), Fondazione Hallgarten-Franchetti Centro Studi Villa Montesca (Italy), Sakhli – Advice Center for Women (Georgia), CESI- Centar za edukaciju, savjetovanje i istrazivanje (Croatia), Society Without Violence (Armenia) and proFem – centrum pro oběti domácího a sexuálního násilí, o.p.s. (Czech Republic). All of the participating organizations are non-governmental organization, partner organization from Italy is a foundation. The specialization and focus of each organization differ from direct work with victims of GBV, to prevention, education or research activities.
Following major outputs were created within the project:
O1 – Research: quantitative research on the representative sample of 1.000 young people (age 16-26) was conducted in each partner country, with aim of exploring how is the teen dating violence prevalent, in what types of violence it manifests, what are the effects and how do they deal with the violence in their relationships. After conducting national researches, data were compared to provide us with an international comparison.
O2 – Facebook groups: in this output we focused on teenagers and youths themselves, providing them with safe space where they can ask and learn about relationships, dating, violence, and related topics, in order to promote healthy relationships and prevent teen dating violence. Volunteers as peer workers, who were trained thanks to KA1 project Ambassadors of Love and Respect, were also involved in creating the content of these Facebook groups/Instagram accounts and discussion with followers.
O3 – Shared platform: is aimed for both youngsters and professionals, bringing a wide range of information and materials on TDV and relationships: national legislation researches, articles about TDV or tips how to address this topic in education, contacts to helping organizations or questions and answers regarding these topics. The platform is available in 8 languages (national languages of partner organizations + English).
O4 – Online quiz: aim to provide an entertaining way through which teenagers can learn about violence, healthy relationships, and related topics. The quiz was again created in 8 language versions.
Round Tables: were the main dissemination event organized in each partner country, bringing various professionals, policymakers and stakeholders together to present outputs of the project, to discuss the topic of TDV and existing prevention and awareness-raising activities as well as available help to its victims.
We believe that the project was very successful in influencing the situation of teen dating violence on local as well as on international levels, based on our monitoring and evaluation of the project impacts: more than 2.400 young people following Facebook groups and/or Instagram accounts learned, asked and discussed about the topic of teen dating violence, 9.894 young people and youth workers visited online shared platform; 2.354 young people run interactive quizzes, and 182 professionals participated in round tables. Moreover, in some partner countries we also succeeded in impacting policies, when the topic of TDV was defined and highlighted in new Action Plan of the Prevention of Domestic and Gender-Based Violence for 2019-2022 (Czech Republic), and when close cooperation with Ministry of Education (Croatia), Ministry of Justice (Armenia) and local municipality (Italy) was established with aim of further cooperation in prevention of TDV.
EU Grant (Eur)
Funding of the project from EU: 295377 Eur
Project Coordinator
proFem – centrum pro obeti domaciho a sexualniho nasili, o.p.s. & Country: CZ
Project Partners
- Sakhli – Advice Center for Women
- Verein Hazissa – Fachstelle für Prävention
- Society Without Violence