Mentoring for better life & better harmony in society – the healthy integration of young women in Europe Erasmus Project

General information for the Mentoring for better life & better harmony in society – the healthy integration of young women in Europe Erasmus Project

Mentoring for better life & better harmony in society – the healthy integration of young women in Europe Erasmus Project
July 7, 2020 12:00 am

Project Title

Mentoring for better life & better harmony in society – the healthy integration of young women in Europe

Project Key Action

This project related with these key action: Cooperation for innovation and the exchange of good practices

Project Action Type

This project related with this action type : Strategic Partnerships for youth

Project Call Year

This project’s Call Year is 2017

Project Topics

This project is related with these Project Topics: Integration of refugees; Romas and/or other minorities; New innovative curricula/educational methods/development of training courses

Project Summary

Asylum seekers are those who are under international obligation to consider claims for asylum; and can not be immediately returned to the countries they have fled from, due to international obligation of European countries. These asylum seekers may also be refugees, who have fled armed conflict or persecution and who are recognized as needing of international protection because it is deadly risk for them to return home. They are protected under international law by the 1951 refugee convention, which defines what a refugee is and outlines the basic rights afforded to them. Eventually they become an “immigrant”, depending on their new country’s asylum procedures. However, it must be made clear to understand the project approach that; many other “immigrants” may be well educated, from high level of their society and migrating to the European country because to work for better income or seek a better life standards, who are generally termed as “economic migrants”.

We can argue that similar picture can be put forward for Roma people that their society contains both settled down, integrated population; and those strongly needing a training and guidance for successful integration similar to new immigrants and refugees.

In BeEurope we differentiate “socially integrated group” as “first generation” and those needing a support for integration as “new comers”; in spite of danger of misconception for quick readers .

BeEurope’s further argument is that, there exists an implicit solidarity among people who share the same origin, roots and culture even they represent different social levels. Thus, those first generation has a natural talent to sympathy to those new comers who are unprotected and sometimes almost lost in their effort to survive, including many social factors are still deceiving them; such as advisors, job agencies, real estate dealers.

The most vulnerable and needing support is “young women” within this already vulnerable people, from many dimensions; including but not limited to: their men’s superiority over them, their health care, their birth rate, their productivity by having a simple job, and so on.

Unemployment or inactivity means that scarce human resources are not being used. Eurostat statistics show that unemployment/inactivity is mainly gender specific and women have been more affected by unemployment than men. Wastes of human resources are more costly when work experienced women do not work. We choose to focus particularly on women, who can not work due to several personal life limits, although they want to work. Mentoring as one of the best possible solutions for this group, is to better combine work and private life. The most important, they are aware of specific challenges that immigrant or Roma (Romani) women face, and have the ability to identify and engage in problems and solutions for ongoing reflection and sharing of knowledge and experience with mental.

Based on these facts, a comprehensive mentor training program will be developed by the BeEurope team in a way that ultimately, potential mentors have been trained step-by-step regarding how to lead women’s way. Though mentor training they received, mentors provides guidance to these young women. Thus mentors give insight about the fundamentals of actual life and prepare for mentees through overcoming their difficult situations by helping them to acquire the necessary knowledge, skills and confidence and mindset. Also, a mentor who knows the migrant conditions provides insights into local practices, and opportunities is an invaluable resource for young woman who are seeking for better survive. At the end of the mentor program, mentees are/will be able to regulate their own lives and be healthier and faster integrated to their new societies.

According to the mentoring model, which we proposed, mentors and mentees will share the same objectives and the take same life risk–destiny or achieve the similar success.

Also, the mentor and mentee may maintain this partnership in future periods. They not only do have the potential to gain, but they will have a personal satisfaction of seeing young woman succeed through this kind of mentoring. So, mentoring will help for both mentor and mentee to become more productive and improve their social conditions, even further.

EU Grant (Eur)

Funding of the project from EU: 191230 Eur

Project Coordinator

Cabinet de Pediatrie ACAR & Country: FR

Project Partners

  • EBL Elektronik Bilgi Bilisim ve Mesleki Egitim Hizmetleri Ltd. Sti.
  • Zdruzenie aktivnych a talentovanych zien realizujucich fungujucu karieru – ZARIF