Mobile Apps in Education Erasmus Project

General information for the Mobile Apps in Education Erasmus Project

Mobile Apps in Education Erasmus Project
July 7, 2020 12:00 am

Project Title

Mobile Apps in Education

Project Key Action

This project related with these key action: Cooperation for innovation and the exchange of good practices

Project Action Type

This project related with this action type : Strategic Partnerships for Schools Only

Project Call Year

This project’s Call Year is 2017

Project Topics

This project is related with these Project Topics: ICT – new technologies – digital competences; New innovative curricula/educational methods/development of training courses; Intercultural/intergenerational education and (lifelong)learning

Project Summary

The project was initiated to respond to the needs of our students to acquire and improve their know-how in terms of
developing mobile applications, a skill which they will use even after the school years, no matter what careers they may choose to
follow. We want to make students break the barrier between passive consumption of mobile apps to the active usage of mobile
development tools.

The project addressed the age group of 14-17 year olds in our schools (400 students), who are old enough to process this type and amount of information and to use it creatively in order to develop apps. The students come from a variety of cultural backgrounds and a significant percentage of them are faced with and strive to overcome all kinds of obstacles – economic, cultural, financial etc. The participants will be chosen from this target group based on their digital skills, language skills, school results. Additional support will be given to students facing any of the above mentioned obstacles. There will be 68 students who attend the LTTAs – 14 per country, in the four meetings planned, with an additional number of 20-24 students from the host institution for whom a grant is not given but who will attend the activities.
The project also addresses teachers of IT who will thus improve their material base and ensure the sustainability of the project results. The teachers who attend meetings are IT and English. Each meeting includes the participation of 8 teachers, so a number of 32 teacher mobilities are involved.

The aim of the project is to provide the necessary framework for teachers and students to work together, share ideas
and good practices and learn how to develop mobile applications. By providing this framework, we intend to achieve a number of
topic-related objectives as well as objectives related to the intercultural dialogue that the project presupposes:
O1: at least 70 percent of the students in the target group will become familiar with the requirements of mobile app development
O2: at least 50 percent of students will contribute to the creation of new mobile apps actively
O3: at least 90 percent of students participating in transnational meetings will improve digital skills
O4: at least 80 percent of participants will improve knowledge of foreign cultures
O5: at least 70 percent of participants will improve communication skills in English and other languages of the partners
O6: all participants will develop tolerance, nutual respect and intercultural understanding
O7: all project team members and students will improve organisational, team work and data manipulation skills.

Portugal – organises C1 – Feb 2018; creates the project logo
Italy – organises and C2 – May 2018; coordinates valuation
Spain – organises C3 – October 2018 ,coordinates dissemination
Romania – organises C4 (Oct 2018); creates eTwinning project account and manages it
M1 – Oct 2017 (Turkey) – Planning the project
M2 – May 2019 (Turkey) – Evaluating the project

The project involves 5 main stages: initiation (identification of needs and partners), planning (action plan, methodologies, resources), implementation (organisation of activities before, during and after the transnational events), evaluation (throughout the entire project, in steps, but also at the end of the project), finalisation (reporting, elaboration of impact study, sustainability plan).

– 1 coursebook entitled “Mobile apps for schools”
– mobile apps developed by students
– initial and final questionnaires based on which we will elaborate the impact study
– impact study
– website, Facebook page, eTwinning account, Facebook discussion group, Whatsapp group
– LTTA minutes and evaluation reports
– TM minutes and evaluation reports
– Europass mobility documents, CVs, language portfolios
– certificates of attendance
– intermediary and final reports
– improvement of students’ and teachers’ skills

On students – acquired mobile app development skills, improved professional and language skills, communication, interaction, intecultural dialogue
On teachers – improved leadership skills, organisational skills and problem-solving abilities, level of English and professional skills
On target group – acquired knowledge about the requirements of mobile app development, desire to start their own mobile app projects
On institutions – better cohesion among members of staff, positive image at local level, improvement of human and material resources, improvement of Erasmus+ project management skills

– institutions will become connected in a network of mobile app clubs, which will extend in future years
– IT teachers will use the project results in regular class work or in optional classes
– partners may develop future Erasmus+ initiatives together.

EU Grant (Eur)

Funding of the project from EU: 127100 Eur

Project Coordinator


Project Partners

  • Agrupamento de Escolas de Ourem
  • Istituto di Istruzione Superiore “Enrico Fermi”
  • Scoala Gimnaziala “Radu cel Mare”