My passion – my future Erasmus Project

General information for the My passion – my future Erasmus Project

My passion – my future Erasmus Project
July 7, 2020 12:00 am

Project Title

My passion – my future

Project Key Action

This project related with these key action: Cooperation for innovation and the exchange of good practices

Project Action Type

This project related with this action type : Strategic Partnerships for Schools Only

Project Call Year

This project’s Call Year is 2017

Project Topics

This project is related with these Project Topics: Teaching and learning of foreign languages; ICT – new technologies – digital competences

Project Summary

Our project “My passion – my future” was a response to the students’ need to develop their interests, it supported them and directed the pupils’ activities so that the children could fully use their skills and potential. The teachers tried to make educational use of the students’ interest in ICT and to direct it appropriately. The educators also worked on improving the quality of English language teaching by applying new technologies and introducing innovative teaching techniques.
The students and teachers from four schools (Poland, Spain, Greece and Croatia) participated in the project.
The main aim of the project was to create an opportunity for 120 students aged 9-12 from Poland, Spain, Greece and Croatia to develop their hobbies and passions, as well as to improve the students and teachers’ ability to communicate in English by participating in an international project which took place between 1st October 2017 and 30th September 2019.
The specific objectives were:
* to improve the schools’ reputation and teaching quality by teachers’ vocational development and by exchanging educational experiences based on the project’s tasks
* to increase the students’ motivation to learn English and to help them build their confidence in their language abilities
* to create innovative educational materials for English language teaching
* for both students and teachers to use modern information and communication technologies, including e-learning platforms to work and cooperate online.
The project directly concerned a group of 120 students and 40 teachers. The project activities indirectly affected the whole community of the schools, as well as the parents and the local community.
The aforementioned goals have been fully achieved through the project activities which focused on developing the students’ interests and increasing the teachers’ professional competence. In order to achieve those goals numerous local and international activities were conducted. All the partners worked on the tasks mainly during extra-curricular activities with the students who volunteered to be in the project and wanted to develop their interests. Each school selected two groups of 15 pupils (Erasmus+ clubs) and one group of 10 teachers. Each club followed a jointly prepared curriculum, during the classes the teachers tried to apply the CLIL method and use modern technologies. The clubs also cooperated with each other on the international level. The teachers had fortnightly meetings in order to regularly discuss the issues connected with the project as well as to improve their language skills.
Four Learning/Teaching/Training Activities (for students and teachers) were held within the project, each of them included a week long stay in a partner country. During those meetings the students participated in classes with their peers from other countries, they had the opportunity to present their hobbies to an international audience, broaden their knowledge thanks to interesting workshops and classes, learn about new ICT opportunities and improve their language skills. The teachers participated in workshops and training courses. They discovered and explored new teaching methods by watching lessons conducted with the use of innovative methods, including CLIL. They also improved their language skills and learnt about modern ICT tools.
Various methods were applied during the project, however, we mainly focused on activating, problem seeking methods that combined learning and doing. The CLIL method was used to the broadest possible extent. In order to provide the expected results we used a wide range of strategies, such as: working in small groups, doing problem solving tasks which stimulate creative and critical thinking, giving students the chance to choose the tasks and decide on how to fulfil them, organizing trips, contests, exhibitions.
The participation in the project brought long-term benefits to the school, the teachers, the students and their families. Everyone broadened their knowledge about the participating countries, about culture differences and similarities. The teachers and students’ ICT and language skills improved significantly. The students learnt new things with their peers from other European countries and developed their interests. Thanks to communication technology, the new friendships that started during the project can continue afterwards. The teachers exchanged experience, views and ideas, they discovered innovative technologies and methods, which they will further use in their teaching. They established cooperation, which will result in new projects in the future.
The final products (i.e. lesson plans, worksheets, teaching aids, presentations, leaflets, glossaries, videos) will be used as means of promoting the schools and their regions and they will be available on the Internet to the teachers interested in them.

EU Grant (Eur)

Funding of the project from EU: 117950 Eur

Project Coordinator

Szkola Podstawowa nr1 im. Armii Krajowej w Gostyninie & Country: PL

Project Partners

  • Osnovna skola “Antun Gustav Matos” Vinkovci
  • 37 Dimotiko Sxoleio Irakleiou Kritis