NEXT MOVE Erasmus Project
General information for the NEXT MOVE Erasmus Project
Project Title
Project Key Action
This project related with these key action: Cooperation for innovation and the exchange of good practices
Project Action Type
This project related with this action type : Strategic Partnerships for higher education
Project Call Year
This project’s Call Year is 2015
Project Topics
This project is related with these Project Topics: New innovative curricula/educational methods/development of training courses; Entrepreneurial learning – entrepreneurship education; Inclusion – equity
Project Summary
Context/background of the project
As higher education institutions, we are expected to educate highly skilled students and prepare them for the changing and diverse society. Since the labor market for the dance and music teacher profession is expanding and rapidly changing, a new definition of the role of the teacher in arts was needed. Thus, a clarification of the new challenges the teachers in the field are expected to handle was necessary, as well as the development of new methods and competencies. The partner schools identified the mutual necessity of developing strategies and shared knowledge on how to deal with these issues within their existing educational programs. Different kinds of collaboration have been taking place between HEIs in this reagard but this has been the first substantial attempt to develop a sustainable and joint module in dance and music didactics.
The aims of the project were to develop new perspectives, methods and tools for students to work as dance, music and arts teachers in today’s labour market.
The transnational project NEXT MOVE enabled the partners to bring together different perspectives, approaches and areas of knowledge into the process of exploring and learning from each others.
The project aims to:
• Bring students and teachers together from the different institutions to explore and expand the notion of teaching arts, music and dance
• Develop new knowledge and perspectives on how to reach more target groups
• Stimulate and facilitate the dialogue with the jobmarket
• Develop methodologies and strategies on how to improve the programs
Profile of participating organisations
Stockholm University of the Arts
Det Jyske Musikkonservatorium
Stichting ArtEZ
Description of undertaken main activities
• A labor market research in each participating country has been conducted in the form of surveys as well as discussions and workshops with labor market stakeholders and professional field representatives
• A set of Learning/Teaching/Training Activities concerning the central aspects of the project has been pursued. The activities have focused aspects such as norm critical perspectives on both teaching and accessibility of dance/music to a diversity of target groups. Moreover, the activities have addressed the meaning of inclusion and how it can be turned into action
• An intensive study project in which the teachers and students have tested a number of elements of the pilot course that were to become part of the Joint Module in order to make relevant adjustments before its full implementation
Results and impact
A sustainable joint course in dance and music didactics has been established and to be implemented within each partners curricula
Contemporary Arts Teaching in an International setting, a didactic course consisting in 7,5 ECTS has been launched 2018/2019. The course is aimed at preparing students in dance and music for the teaching profession with the objective of being inclusive, flexible and sustainable in our contemporary society
Further outcomes
• Development and validation of a Manual of Methods
• Creation of a Digital Student Portfolio
• A closer dialogue between project partners and the relevant labour market stakeholders in terms of demand and needs of skills and competencies
• Definition of new perspectives on future pedagogical approaches with regard to inclusion and how to broaden the target groups
• Questions on norm critical perspectives and inclusion have been addressed thoroughly within the workfield
• Student empowerment in terms of student driven conference and student led activities
• Deepened knowledge within the participating HEIs, on the necessity of reforming their curricula and adjustments made within the educational programs
• Stimulation of an national and international dialogue on the accessibility to art as a democratic right
The impact attained can be therefore summarized as the fact that a permanent dialogue between art educators and employers has been established, awareness of the relevance of inclusion in performing arts has been raised both among students and teachers of the participating institutions and from the externally involved universities through the Multiplier Events. Students have been provided with new tools, perspectives and methodologies to better face the teaching profession in the arts field.
If relevant, longer-term benefits
The project outcomes will contribute to the development of knowledge and strategies on Inclusion. More long-term impacts are represented by the fact that through the project results other HEIs will make use of the power of arts as a way to reach and include more target groups in our diverse European society. The non-partner universities and organisations that have been informed about the project results via dialogues and through the participation in the dissemination events have also expressed their interest in integrating the new methods and approaches within their educational offer.
EU Grant (Eur)
Funding of the project from EU: 209878,25 Eur
Project Coordinator
Project Partners
- Det Jyske Musikkonservatorium
- Stichting ArtEZ