Pedagogical entrepreneurship for content knowledge Erasmus Project

General information for the Pedagogical entrepreneurship for content knowledge Erasmus Project

Pedagogical entrepreneurship for content knowledge Erasmus Project
July 7, 2020 12:00 am

Project Title

Pedagogical entrepreneurship for content knowledge

Project Key Action

This project related with these key action: Cooperation for innovation and the exchange of good practices

Project Action Type

This project related with this action type : Strategic Partnerships for school education

Project Call Year

This project’s Call Year is 2017

Project Topics

This project is related with these Project Topics: Pedagogy and didactics; Entrepreneurial learning – entrepreneurship education; Key Competences (incl. mathematics and literacy) – basic skills

Project Summary

The purpose of this Erasmus+ project is to develop and try out student active, creative and innovative approaches in the school subjects science, mathematics and mother tongue language in Norway, Sweden and Denmark. We understand this as entrepreneurial learning in school. Pedagogical entrepreneurship is about varied and motivating teaching methods, practical and lifelike activities for the students, cooperation with local businesses, organizations and life outside school. Hence, pedagogical entrepreneurship is both a leader philosophy, a way to organize school and specific student activities. However, there are relatively few schools in the Scandinavian countries that give priority to pedagogical entrepreneurship beyond emphasis on establishing and running a juvenile business. In the PECK-project the goal is to vitalize the pedagogic through student active, practical and relevant teaching methods, in such a way that the conditions are favorable for increased motivation and in-depth learning in the school subjects. Therefore, emphasis on entrepreneurial learning becomes an operationalization of the curriculums in the Nordic countries.

In the PECK project six general secondary schools (two from each country) participate, and teacher education researchers from the three countries. For the secondary schools the main activity will be exchange, adaptation, and testing of entrepreneurial teaching resources and organization of teaching that paves the way for learning of subjects in school. This coincides with the priorities of education and entrepreneurship in the project call. For the teacher education researchers the main activity will be collection of information and experiences linked to the exchange, adaptation and testing of teaching resources, and a systematization and analysis of this material. This body of information will be spread and made available for others, through a learning platform (open access), and through publishing an anthology where both school representatives (from all six schools) and teacher education researchers participate.

In short, through the PECK-project we expect the project to produce the following results:
– A repertoire of teaching resources in science, mathematics and mother tongue language that will inspire others who want to give it a go with entrepreneurial methods.
– A network between schools that may continue beyond the project period.
– A concretization and operationalization of pedagogical entrepreneurship in school subjects.
– A teaching that is varied, student active, creative and explorative at the participating schools.
– A spread of knowledge about pedagogical entrepreneurship.

To attach pedagogical entrepreneurship to methods in teaching and learning of science, mathematics and mother tongue language has not previously been systematized and tried out in Scandinavia. Therefore, a large part of the PECK project should be recognized as pioneering work. The development, mapping and collection of specific and practical teaching resources, which at the same time is creative and innovative, has previously not been done on the Scandinavian venue. This will establish the foundation for an entrepreneurial didactic that may bring along ripple effects way beyond the participants in the PECK-project.

EU Grant (Eur)

Funding of the project from EU: 195959,52 Eur

Project Coordinator


Project Partners

  • Leikanger ungdomsskule
  • Feios skule
  • Kullaviksskolan Kungsbacka kommun
  • Hammerum Skole
  • Femmøller Efterskole
  • Särö skola