PlaNET Social Entreprise Erasmus Project
General information for the PlaNET Social Entreprise Erasmus Project
Project Title
PlaNET Social Entreprise
Project Key Action
This project related with these key action: Cooperation for innovation and the exchange of good practices
Project Action Type
This project related with this action type : Strategic Partnerships for youth
Project Call Year
This project’s Call Year is 2016
Project Topics
This project is related with these Project Topics: Labour market issues incl. career guidance / youth unemployment; Inclusion – equity; Entrepreneurial learning – entrepreneurship education
Project Summary
CORE IDEAThis youth initiative was established in order to promote entrepreneurship education and social entrepreneurship among young people in one of the region with highest unemployment rate (34%) in south Slovakia, putting entrepreneurship ideas into practice with a view to tackling challenges and problems identified within their communities.OBJECTIVES1. To encourage active social entrepreneurship in excluded regions and rural areas.2. To include young people in the region /specially rural areas/ into the labor market – targeting the NEET by boosting their entrepreneurial skills (digital, managerial and language skills)3. To build a strategic collaboration with regional authorities and entrepreneurs by developing social enterprise business idea and by implementing the idea with the support of the strategic collaboration.4. Internationalization of youth work by exchanging good practice examples and by creating the network of young people and organizations with the same objective5. Build transnational cross – sectoral network of social enterprises to promote innovation, exchange of experience and know-how between different types of organizationsTARGET GROUPYoung people from excluded regions and rural areas with fewer opportunitiesACTIVITIES1. Activity – 1ST. INTERNATIONAL MEETING – Slovakia – August 2016 – 7 daysMain aim of this activity will be to introduce the project partners, local entrepreneurs and 5 young potential young entrepreneurs and to provide them good quality training using formal and non-formal learning tools.Partners will be responsible to introduce to the others the topics, within the are experts: • Social economy and SE in EU and project partner countries• Entrepreneurship skills• Digital skills and social media• Developing business idea & project management• Self – employment in rural areas (other than agriculture)• Marketing, fundraising and crowd funding2.Activity – LOCAL MEETINGS®IONAL MENTORING PROGRAMME – Sept 2016 -Dec. 2016 Local meeting with local municipalities, young people and local entrepreneursPreparation of pilot action social business ideas with the support from local municipalities and entrepreneursMentoring programme with an aim to motivate and inspire 5 young people to setting of new bussineses with social context in their regionPleNET SEON award – chosing of the best social entreprise ideas3. Activity – VIRTUAL MOBILITY & PHYSICAL MOBILITY OF YOUNG PEOPLE – Jan. 2017-MAy 2017Experts from partner countries prepare 6 international (3hours) webinars in english language.To give to 2 young potential entrepreneurs from excluded region chance for practical experience abroad (30 days practical experience in foreign social entreprise) in area of enterprise and social enterprise. To develop entrepreneurship behaviour through the activation of practical experience of learning of young people. To build a cross-sectorial network of social enterprises to promote innovation, exchange of experience and know-how between different types of organisations4. Activity –FINAL MEETING – July 2017 – Slovakia – 3 daysPresentation of social business ideas in the region,the outputs and sustainable networking activitiesPOLICY CONTEXTThe political context of the project, and the guidelines to which constant reference will be made during the training course, are:1. Erasmus+ programme with its objectives and priorities and values2. New skills for new jobs: Action now, A report by the Expert Group prepared for the European Commission3.Recommendation of the European parliament and of the council for key competences for lifelong learning 4. Slovak republic strategy for youth 2014-20205.Europe 2020 strategy6. Council recommendation on a Quality Framework for Traineeships 7. Inclusion and Diversity Strategy OUTCOMES1.) 5 TRAINED YOUNG PEOPLE-POTENTIAL ENTREPRENEURS2.) 35 EDUCATED YOUNG PEOPLE WITH FEWER OPPORTUNITIES3.) 5 IDENTIFIED SOCIAL ENTERPRISE IDEAS4.) 1 REGIONAL NETWORK 5.) 1 INTERNATIONAL NETWORK6.) Web page PlaNET SOEN & virtual space on FB7.) 1xkick off meeting, 6x webinars, 2x physical mobility, 2x regional meeting with the entrepreneurs and local municipalities, 1x PlaNET SOEN award, 1xfinal conference/presentation8.)10 THINGS TO DO TO IMPROVE THE COMMUNITY YOU LIVE IN – INTERNATIONAL BROCHURE9.) REGIONAL MENTORING PROGRAMME10.) Global definition of social enterprise and the manual of how to establish a social enterprise with webinars
EU Grant (Eur)
Funding of the project from EU: 37120 Eur
Project Coordinator
Project Partners
- Asociatia Alternative Sociale Millenium