Poszukiwanie skarbu – Treasure Hunt Erasmus Project
General information for the Poszukiwanie skarbu – Treasure Hunt Erasmus Project
Project Title
Poszukiwanie skarbu – Treasure Hunt
Project Key Action
This project related with these key action: Cooperation for innovation and the exchange of good practices
Project Action Type
This project related with this action type : Strategic Partnerships for Schools Only
Project Call Year
This project’s Call Year is 2015
Project Topics
This project is related with these Project Topics: Pedagogy and didactics; Natural sciences; Teaching and learning of foreign languages
Project Summary
The project “Poszukiwanie skarbu – Treasure Hunt” was a 2,5-year cooperation of 6 schools from Germany, Finland, Spain, Hungary, Slovenia and Poland as a coordinator. The main priority of the project was – Developing basic and transversal skills using innovative methods. Project activities were focused on as wide a topic as water. They covered its artistic aspect as well as economical, healthy, ecological and touristic one.
The project partners achieved their priority using student-centered methods among which gamification played the essential role. The mentioned method was highly innovative. It was entertaining for students and, at the same time, it activated their creativity and self-reliance. Gamification created a motivating context and used student-friendly tools. The teachers involved in the project gained the necessary knowledge and skills in two-module course. The first part took place online; the second – the workshop- during the short students exchange in Finland. The course was lead by Finnish expert – Mauri Laakso.
During the workshop the game framework was designed. It was later worked out by the project teachers and used during the exchanges in partner schools. The games revised the students’ knowledge and skills on a particular water aspect as well as introducing some new knowledge to them. After each Game Days students and teachers evaluated the game as an activity so that the teachers increased their skills in working with gamification.
During the project there were activities which involved different-subject teachers to work on the multi-faceted topic – water. The students searched and analysed the pieces of literature connected with water; they photographed water in different seasons. They analysed the quality of water, measured the consumption of it and looked for the reasons and the ways of decreasing it. They analysed the water resources in different countries, water fauna and flora; they found ways to use water’s beauty and power for humans’ benefit. There were online competitions for the best photo and project’s logo. There were other competitions which had their final part during exchanges e.g. the best advertisement on decreasing water consumption or promoting drinking fresh water instead of sweetened soft drinks.
The students organized campaigns in their schools promoting water – its importance of it to human’s life and health. They visited places and institutions connected with water.
During the project students created an ebook on water literature impressions, a photo album with the best photos. There were numerous audiovisual materials e.g. advertisements encouraging drinking fresh water instead of sweetened soft drinks or manuals teaching how to decrease water consumption. The teachers archived the observed lessons and workshops in Teacher Training Diary. They also made lesson plans with elements of gamification to be used during the project.
There were 110 students and 45 teachers from 6 countries directly involved in the project. There were conducted numerous dissemination activities which aimed at promoting and popularizing the knowledge and skills that students and teachers gained during the project. The students’ works were uploaded to the project webpage, the etwinning platform and they appeared on the Erasmus Plus Corner in schools’ halls. The teaching materials and some of the students works were shared on Creative Commons Licence. The Conference took place in Gdańsk during the last students exchange in September 2017.
The project have had a huge impact on both students and teachers. Students broadened their knowledge and skills in a way which stimulated their creativity and self-reliance. Not only have they communicated better in English but also they have been better motivated to learn languages because they understood the quality of this skill. The students have not only acquired humanistic, artistic, ITC or science skills but also they have been able to look for all the answers they needed on their own. The students got to know different cultures of the project countries. This enabled them to be more open to the diversity, on one hand, and to appreciate their own identity, on the other.
The teachers involved in the project directly or indirectly refreshed their methods of teaching, apprehended the features of different educational systems as well as cooperating in a multinational group. They have become definitely more motivated to the future work in their schools but also in international projects.
The project let all the participants find the knowledge and skills which are indispensable for achieving the chosen aims. Participants gained the skills such as communicatin in a foreign language, using ICT, cooperating in a group or autonomously. Project reinforced tolerance and open-mindedness in its participants.
EU Grant (Eur)
Funding of the project from EU: 183470 Eur
Project Coordinator
Gimnazjum nr 48 im.Lecha Badkowskiego & Country: PL
Project Partners
- Wilhelm-Busch-Schule
- OS Oskarja Kovacica Skofije
- IES Alpedrete
- Debreceni Egyetem Kossuth Lajos Gyakorló Általános Iskolája
- Säynätsalon peruskoulu