Practical Innovative Nature Education Erasmus Project

General information for the Practical Innovative Nature Education Erasmus Project

Practical Innovative Nature Education Erasmus Project
July 7, 2020 12:00 am

Project Title

Practical Innovative Nature Education

Project Key Action

This project related with these key action: Cooperation for innovation and the exchange of good practices

Project Action Type

This project related with this action type : Strategic Partnerships for youth

Project Call Year

This project’s Call Year is 2017

Project Topics

This project is related with these Project Topics: Entrepreneurial learning – entrepreneurship education; Environment and climate change; Youth (Participation, Youth Work, Youth Policy)

Project Summary

The idea behind the project came from an analysis of the issues affecting young people in our present day society: youths’ difficulties in gaining employment and environmental problems.

As a result, the main objective of Practical Innovative Nature Education (PINE) project is to develop high quality key skills and competences through supporting youths to reach their full potential using environmental education and outdoor activities through a mixed approach of learning styles.

The project targets youth from 14 years old onwards and will tackle inclusive education and training, enhancing the access and participation of disadvantaged young people to develop life long skills which will contribute to their personal and professional development. The project is focused on both youth workers and youths through the implementation of activities.

Main activities carried out throughout the 13 months project are:
– Creation of intellectual outputs which aim to develop field teaching resources and a set of non-formal education activities included in Practical Innovative Nature Education Handbook which focuses on key skills and competences developed in youths through engagement in nature conservation while combating social anxiety in youths through environmental education;
– The development and trialing of intellectual outputs will be supported by constant implementation of the field teaching resources and activities from PINE handbook in order to develop the capacity of partner organisations to deliver project work;
– Organisation of multiplier events in all partner countries in order to disseminate intellectual outputs on the importance of environmental education in youths and how to increases future opportunities;
– Continuous management meetings and reporting for planning, managing finances, coordination, and efficient communication between the partners in order to generate the best output, including transnational meetings in each partner country.

The methodology used while carrying out the project is based on mutual support and collaboration of all partner organisations in order to provide the best results. The main focus will be to develop and trial quality intellectual outputs supported by regular management meetings, transnational project meetings and training activities to develop the capacity of partner organisations, youth workers, youths and other stakeholders involved.

The results and impact expected to youth workers participating in the project are:
– Development of field teaching resources in the form of handbooks for youth workers and educational institutions;
– Development of resources will be focused on blending formal, non-formal and informal education for a lifelong learning experience for youth. This will be made combining different kind of techniques such as: role play, workshops, public speaking, simulations, discussion and debates, team building activities.
– Professional development of youth workers while demonstrating the benefits of environmental education and how it benefits youths.;

The results expected to individual youths in the project are related to developing a set of lifelong skills and competences such as:
– Communication skills
– Promoting values for inclusion and acceptance of diversity
– Active Citizenship
– Environmental awareness, appreciation and understanding
– Entrepreneurship skills
The development of skills and competences above mentioned will boost youths’ employability in the labour market. Moreover, throughout the project youth will develop a sense of environmental entrepreneurship, and they will be encouraged to take action and transform ideas into practice to achieve wider social benefits.

EU Grant (Eur)

Funding of the project from EU: 56616 Eur

Project Coordinator

BirdLife Malta & Country: MT

Project Partners

  • Udruga za odrzivi razvoj “POZITIVA SAMOBOR”
  • Positiva Milano