Primary socialization in kindergarten – our priority Erasmus Project

General information for the Primary socialization in kindergarten – our priority Erasmus Project

Primary socialization in kindergarten – our priority Erasmus Project
September 14, 2022 12:00 am

Project Title

Primary socialization in kindergarten – our priority

Project Key Action

This project related with these key action: Cooperation for innovation and the exchange of good practices

Project Action Type

This project related with this action type : School Exchange Partnerships

Project Call Year

This project’s Call Year is 2020

Project Topics

This project is related with these Project Topics: Romas and/or other minorities; Disabilities – special needs; Early childhood education and care

Project Summary

In the first years of his life a child experiences the environment through the relationships he establishes with the adults around him. The quality and stability of the child’s relationships from the first years of his life constitute the basis for all subsequent acquisitions: self-confidence, mental health, motivation to learn, school performance, professional success, ability to control aggressive impulses, prosocial conflict resolution, the distinction between good and bad etc.
Studies that have investigated this topic suggest that the development of social competence during early childhood favors social, emotional adaptation, subsequent cognitive and academic development.

This is why we consider it important to develop social competence in preschoolers in order to form adults who easily integrate into social life.

The Kálnoky Ludmilla Kindergarten in Valea Crișului aims to carry out the KA229 project Primary socialization in kindergarten – our priority between 01.12.2020 – 30.11.2022 between the following institutions: the Kálnoky Ludmilla Secondary School in Romania, the Agrupamento de Escolas Rio Novo do Príncipe in Portugal, Pécsi Éltes Mátyás Integrated Special Education Methodological Institute, Kindergarten, Primary School, Special Education Vocational School and Dormitory in Hungary and the Burhan Erdayı Primary School in Turkey.

The objectives of the project are: the development of social skills regarding self-awareness, self-management, social awareness and relationship management of 348 preschoolers and the acquisition of some forms of social behaviors and constructive codes of conduct by the end of the school year 2021-2022; developing the intrapersonal, interpersonal, professional skills of 28 preschool teachers by the end of the school year 2021-2022; the increased quality of the teaching-learning-evaluation process at partnership level in the context of the development of social skills during the implementation period of the project through exchanges of good practices and international cooperation.

Educational projects related to the theme and objectives of the project will be developed within the learning activities: days of cooperation, friendship, happiness, kindness, love, problem-solving strategies, month of sharing; anger, fear management.
During the partnership we will arrange four Short – term joint staff training events with a duration of 5 days to achieve the project objectives through the following themes:
Self-awareness (Learning social skills in nature – RO), Self- management, self control (Animal assisted therapy – HU), Relationship skills (The school for parents – PT), Empathy, social awareness (Creative drama – TR).

Project results: Emotional kit, Project site on the school’s website, the project’s Facebook page, Plans, syllabus of thematic activities (learning, teaching activities), E-products: audio-video recordings; digital photo album about the thematic didactic activities at the partnership level; the project film.
Teachers will get to know more about the social life of other nations, developing the feeling of European identity, of becoming a European citizen.
Preschoolers will acquire different forms of prosocial behaviors necessary in the process of developing emotional intelligence.
Parents will recognize the need to develop the social skills of preschoolers regarding success in life, the kindergarten being the basis for their further training.

The impact on preschoolers will materialize in better results not only in social-emotional tests but also in annual assessments through the development of social skills.
Teachers will assimilate in-depth knowledge about the norms of social behavior from other cultures and the effects of these behaviors.
It will increase the parents’ willingness to communicate constructively with teachers, the school, other parents.
In the partnership institutions high quality early childhood education and care services will be reached; support for pre-school education will provide added value and quality to pre-primary education.
The kindergartens will develop partnerships with other professionals (e.g. Nature Center, Drama clubs, Parents Associations) at the local, national, international level.

This project greatly contributes to achieving one of the main objectives of the Europe 2020 strategy: to reduce the rate of early school leaving below 10% by offering quality preschool education.

The sustainability of the project will be ensured through the valorization, multiplication, dissemination (DEOR) of concrete results in the partner schools of each institution; improving the policies of local, national, international authorities by taking over the results of the project; maintaining the project website and Facebook page activity and by developing new projects on E- Twinning and within the Erasmus+ program in the future.

EU Grant (Eur)

Funding of the project from EU: 82216 Eur

Project Coordinator

Scoala Gimnaziala Kalnoky Ludmilla & Country: RO

Project Partners

  • Agrupamento de Escolas Rio Novo do Principe – Cacia
  • Pecsi Eltes Matyas Egyseges Gyogypedagogiai Modszertani Intezmeny, Ovoda, Altalanos Iskola, Fejleszto Neveles-Oktatast Vegzo Iskola, Keszsegfejleszto Iskola es Kollegium