PRODEST Promoting Youth Entrepreneurship with Digital Storytelling Erasmus Project
General information for the PRODEST Promoting Youth Entrepreneurship with Digital Storytelling Erasmus Project
Project Title
PRODEST Promoting Youth Entrepreneurship with Digital Storytelling
Project Key Action
This project related with these key action: Cooperation for innovation and the exchange of good practices
Project Action Type
This project related with this action type : Strategic Partnerships for youth
Project Call Year
This project’s Call Year is 2016
Project Topics
This project is related with these Project Topics: Youth (Participation, Youth Work, Youth Policy) ; Entrepreneurial learning – entrepreneurship education; New innovative curricula/educational methods/development of training courses
Project Summary
Entrepreneurship is recognized as a powerful driver of economic growth and job creation: it creates new companies and jobs, opens up new markets, and nurtures new skills and capabilities. One of the main recommendations (Action Pillars) by the EU Commission Entrepreneurship 2020 Action Plan (2012) is to promote entrepreneurial education and training, however, the uptake and the effectiveness of entrepreneurship education in Europe are still far from being fully satisfactory. This is mainly due to lack of suitable materials and lack of skills in trainers. Storytelling is a very effective methodology because it brings together the rational and the emotional, and elicits identification andemulation in the listener. The growth and ubiquitous diffusion of the web make now possible the digital storytelling enlargingfurther its diffusion and impact, also in the training and educational field.
This project has developed sense of initiative and entrepreneurship (SIE) in youths with a number of tools:
• a number of videos, in different formats, of young entrepreneurs telling how they started their business, what challenges they faceand what skills they need in their day-to-day activity. The videos are placed on a dedicated YouTube channel and can be accessed directly by youths or used by youth educators and trainers in their activities with NEETS, apprentices, students in secondary education, VET or university.
• a Guide addressed to youth educators on how to assess and develop SIE
• a website addressed to youths for assessing and developing their SIE.
In every country a group of NEETs aged 18-25, assisted by staff of partner organizations:
• have been trained on how to develop SIE and shoot and edit videos, thanks also to a mobility abroad
• have been trained as facilitators of workshops with groups of youths so to rise their SIE. The training has included a mobility abroad
• prepared the questions of the interviews to the young entrepreneurs
• shooted the videos and edit them in different formats
• have pilot the materials and methodology developed by the project in informal settings, as well as schools, VET courses, universities• will develop the content of the website for development of SIE.
The project was conductined by a consortium of 5 organizations from FR, PL, SK, ES, UK specialized in youth work and/orentrepreneurship education and development.
EU Grant (Eur)
Funding of the project from EU: 194421,43 Eur
Project Coordinator
Coopérative pour le Développement de l’emploi dans les métiers du patrimoine & Country: FR
Project Partners
- Asociación Galega de Emprendedores
- Creative Exchange UK Limited