Qualitative services at local level for emigrants and refugees Erasmus Project

General information for the Qualitative services at local level for emigrants and refugees Erasmus Project

Qualitative services at local level for emigrants and refugees   Erasmus Project
July 7, 2020 12:00 am

Project Title

Qualitative services at local level for emigrants and refugees

Project Key Action

This project related with these key action: Cooperation for innovation and the exchange of good practices

Project Action Type

This project related with this action type : Strategic Partnerships for adult education

Project Call Year

This project’s Call Year is 2017

Project Topics

This project is related with these Project Topics: ICT – new technologies – digital competences; Integration of refugees; Intercultural/intergenerational education and (lifelong)learning

Project Summary

Background: The integration of immigrants – refugees is not just a national goal-challenge, but it evaluates the readiness, tolerance and resistance of local communities. Q-SER has been developed in order to contribute to the current policy debate on the integration of immigrants in Greece and Spain. The project focuses on the intercultural training of 200 municipality employees in the fields of social services, citizen service centers, education, employment, medical care and assistance for the family and administration in order to acquire the skills and knowledge they need to perform to the highest standards and serve the immigrants – refugees equally and effectively, according to their needs.
Objectives: The general scope of the project is to minimize the risk of failure and enhance both the individual’s and the organization’s chances of success in a widely international environment. The training elaborated through the Q-SER e-platform involving 2 models, namely, the Circular Cycle of Mentoring Model (CCMM) and the Circular Impact Model (CIM) integrating inclusive education methods, providing work methods & tools to target public servants to receive newcomers. The CCMM/CIM allowed people working in the municipalities to work together and be trained using modern ICT tools, workshops, gamifications and non-formal methodologies.
Participants: Public officials, NGOs, social enterprises, educational providers etc are targeted by Q-SER project. Approximately 20.000 persons and organisations reached, through a comprehensive strategy using diverse channels to reach all levels involved. The indirect beneficiaries of Q-SER are the immigrants and refugees and the organisations that operate based on integration procedure. Using CCMM/CIM and e-platform, the above TGs were empowered and received the results of this intercultural education of the employees.
Activities: A need analysis has been conducted in each partner country, in order to discover the needs of the target group that should be addressed. The participants from all countries are satisfied with the quality of the services offered to immigrants/refugees. About 1/3 indicated moderate satisfaction, which diminishes the scope for improvement. 19 seminars, 12 workshops and 4 multiplier events organized during the project in order to test the e-platform & CCMM/CIM, specific case studies for integration and support of immigrants, good practices, advantages and statistics, problems and possible solutions about immigration in Europe. After the implementation of e-platform and CCMM/CIM the users evaluated positively the training material and the educational e-platform. The group of employees who participated in CCMM/CIM came from nurseries, social and administrative services both form Greece and Spain and they had the opportunity to acquire further knowledge and skills in migration issues. The learning activity carried out and all assignments completed successfully even though it was online. Informal meetings between the partners and the stake-holders have taken place through the regular partners’ everyday activities, in order to inform about the project, create awareness to the target group and invite them to participate into the pilots, the social media etc.
Methodology: The partners managed to develop a successful methodology based on their expertise. The user need analysis was based on the result of interviews. Findings derived from the analysis were considered in order to start creating the e-platform and CCMM/CIM. The evaluation & assessment of the system was designed for collecting and assessing the selected users’ feedback concerning the usability, reliability, acceptability of the project services and the data was recorded in the users’ satisfaction analysis. Dissemination and use of project’s results support measures carried out provided a significant input to the exploita-tion of the project.
Impact/results: Locally, the project enhanced municipality employees, local authorities through active partic-ipation of all employees, enhanced cooperation and teamwork, created more democratic, open environ-ments and contexts of equality. Through the collaboration of MOE with KEDE, more than 3 municipalities are interested in using the Q-SER results on a national level. University of West Attica is interested in using the Q-SER results as supportive material in lecturers and workshops. Nationally, the project has worked at multiple levels & cross sector, towards a future in which awareness raising among public servants on the concepts of migration and on the dynamics of integration. Non-formal training activities have been introduced to trainers to use, introducing inclusive educational approaches and finally, an ICT tool designed to be used by local authorities’ employees. The project results will increase capacity in integration policies in European and international level.

EU Grant (Eur)

Funding of the project from EU: 208125,45 Eur

Project Coordinator


Project Partners

  • IOM Mezinárodní organizace pro migraci v Praze
  • Greek-orthodox metropolis of Germany – community the Ascension in Stuttgart
  • Social Cooperative Enterprise Drosostalida