Save the Date! Webinar on Culturally-sensitive Practices in Tourism
Please save the date – 7th October 2021, 15h-17h. CultSense and ARCTISEN, together with ATLAS – Association for Tourism and Leisure Education and Research are…
Please save the date – 7th October 2021, 15h-17h. CultSense and ARCTISEN, together with ATLAS – Association for Tourism and Leisure Education and Research are organising a webinar on “Fostering Culturally-sensitive Practices in Tourism“.
We are putting together a nice programme, with guests from academia and the industry. Melanie Smith, renowned scholar on Cultural Tourism and Wellbeing, will moderate the session. In September you can see the full programme, but for now just put it in your diary! Looking forward to seeing many of you on the 7th October 2021!