School Sweet School Erasmus Project

General information for the School Sweet School Erasmus Project

School Sweet School Erasmus Project
July 7, 2020 12:00 am

Project Title

School Sweet School

Project Key Action

This project related with these key action: Cooperation for innovation and the exchange of good practices

Project Action Type

This project related with this action type : Strategic Partnerships for Schools Only

Project Call Year

This project’s Call Year is 2015

Project Topics

This project is related with these Project Topics: International cooperation, international relations, development cooperation; Quality Improvement Institutions and/or methods (incl. school development); Access for disadvantaged

Project Summary

School Sweet School is a transnational project to be carried out by four partnering schools from Turkey, Poland, Romania and Lithuania. The project aims to find out more specific of ESL; develop prevention and early intervention methods to reduce the rate of ESL by the coordination of Turkey. In addition to the specific responsibility of vocational schools to combat ESL, the disadvantages making our students’ lives harder have created the need to plan and implement a project on this problem. The students of partnering schools live in disadvantaged areas where the unemployment rates are high; face socio-economic and educational problems; show a very little interest in education; don’t know why schooling is important and don’t like school. Most of the parents are uneducated and/or divorced, and don’t care about their children. The partnering schools and the education staff have been implementing some methods to help and guide these students in their own ways, but it’s crucial to promote mutual practices to fight against the ESL problem at EU-level. Approximately 2000 participants are expected to participate in project activities and apart from participants, approximately 2,500 individuals are expected to benefit from the results. Activities of the project can be divided into two categories. The first activity set is to study on reasons, solutions and results of implementation in transnational meetings and the second set is to make schools attractive and comfortable places for students by the help of extra-curricular activities. Decrease in truancy, absenteeism and ESL rates; increase in students’ interest in schooling and education, learning and using English; new effective and applicable methods to combat ESL are the highly expected results and impacts of the project. The prevention and early intervention policies will be used within the management of partnering schools after the project is over. Dissemination campaigns will be held about results at regional, national and international levels to support other schools having similar problems.

EU Grant (Eur)

Funding of the project from EU: 113200 Eur

Project Coordinator

Karaburun Mordogan Fatma Emin Karaagac Cok Programli Anadolu Lisesi & Country: TR

Project Partners

  • Liceul Tehnologic Spiru Haret Targoviste
  • Joniskelio Igno Karpio zemes ukio ir paslaugu mokykla
  • Zespol Szkol Technicznych i Ogolnoksztalcacych z Oddzialami Integracyjnymi im. Stanislawa Staszica