Science Starts at School Erasmus Project
General information for the Science Starts at School Erasmus Project
Project Title
Science Starts at School
Project Key Action
This project related with these key action: Cooperation for innovation and the exchange of good practices
Project Action Type
This project related with this action type : Strategic Partnerships for school education
Project Call Year
This project’s Call Year is 2017
Project Topics
This project is related with these Project Topics: New innovative curricula/educational methods/development of training courses; Natural sciences
Project Summary
There is no doubt that nowadays science is no longer a matter merely of scientists, but concerned citizens in general. However, the
scientific culture of the majority of the population does not allow the understanding of the benefits of scientific development in
everyday life. This situation can only be overcome with a solid scientific culture for all citizens. The introduction of the basic concepts
can, and should start in infancy to stimulate the interest of the greatest number of children to pursue further studies in science.
Moreover the teaching of science should be based on experimentation and should not arise as something tight, without any
connection to other areas of knowledge. In fact, it may promote reading at the time of research, stimulate the design and writing
when performing records and develop logical-mathematical thinking when making classifications, measurements and calculations.
It is indisputable that in the whole process of learning the teacher has a key role. In fact, the way knowledge is perceived depends on
the orientation that children receive, the encouragement to reflect, test ideas, improve techniques. Despite the progress already
achieved in teacher education it is still necessary to develop measures to provide training on science education. Indeed, the vast
majority has not had specific training in this area and, on the other hand teaching practices of science education are still incipient
both on the methodologies adopted and in curricular time that is destined for them.
In this context the present proposal aims to provide teachers with new tools for the experimental teaching of science. The actions
will be directed primarily to teachers of the 1st and 2nd cycles; besides being the basis of the educational system they share several
issues in terms of curriculum which will allow, with similar activities benefit a greater number of teachers / students.
General objective:
Implementation of a program aimed at improving science education and the promotion of the scientific culture.
Specific objectives:
– Develop of appealing and efficient teaching methods through the sharing of experiences and good practices;
– Personal and professional development of teachers;
– Creation of a bank of resources for the sciences (laboratories kits, books, teaching materials, games, puzzles, etc.);
– Organizing science outreach events;
– Promotion of an integrated teaching method by linking the various areas of knowledge;
– Bring together civil society and scientists.
All project activities will be focused on teachers (of the 1st cycle and 2nd cycle) and are mainly intended to meet their expressed
need to update theoretical and practical knowledge. The project will be implemented in three main phases:
1-Content development: according to the main needs and priorities identified in schools a database of educational resources
(manuals, laboratory kits, games, blogs, webpages…) will be created, making use wherever possible of new the technologies. These
materials will be made available to schools/teachers as support tools to the development of experimental activities in the
2-Capacity building: training activities will be developed; these actions will have a large practical component and will address the
main themes of science school programs. These activities will be held in schools/classrooms in order to capitalize on existing
resources and will be carried out throughout the project, according to the needs / requests.
3-Monitoring: being aware of the difficulties that arise in the implementation of new activities outside the training context, we
propose to also guide and support teachers during a pilot phase in which the contents and approaches taught in the courses will be
implemented and applied in the classroom.
Expected results:
By the end of the project it is expected that:
– schools and teachers have acquired confidence and autonomy not only to continue but also to change and adapt the procedures /
operations based on the realities and requirements of the school population and the socio-economic context in which each school
– the training actions created and validated under the project will be made available to new groups of teachers;
– experimental activities developed under the scope of the project can be applied in other schools / groups.
– established the basis for the implementation of a network between various members of society (schools, colleges, research
institutes, companies …) to exchange experiences and set up collaborations and partnerships.
EU Grant (Eur)
Funding of the project from EU: 149120 Eur
Project Coordinator
Agrupamento de Escolas Matilde Rosa Araújo & Country: PT
Project Partners
- Escola Secundária Ferreira Dias, Agualva Sintra
- Istituto Comprensivo Lentini
- Escola Secundária D. João V
- Escola Secundária Marquês de Pombal
- Agrupamento de Escolas de Mem Martins
- Agrupamento de Escolas de São Julião da Barra