Science Through Experiment in Europe Erasmus Project

General information for the Science Through Experiment in Europe Erasmus Project

Science Through Experiment in Europe Erasmus Project
July 7, 2020 12:00 am

Project Title

Science Through Experiment in Europe

Project Key Action

This project related with these key action: Cooperation for innovation and the exchange of good practices

Project Action Type

This project related with this action type : Strategic Partnerships for Schools Only

Project Call Year

This project’s Call Year is 2016

Project Topics

This project is related with these Project Topics: Early School Leaving / combating failure in education; Natural sciences; ICT – new technologies – digital competences

Project Summary

We started our project activities on September 1st, 2016 and after two years we completed it successfully. Our main output is an e-book with the title EXPERIMENTS BOOK. Our project was based on experiments in different topics of science such as air, water, colour and light, space and astronomy, human body, other living beings(animals,plants etc), electricity and magnetism. Our goals were: to improve the level of key competences and skills in science, foster quality improvements, innovation excellence and internationalisation at the level of education, show that, by using experiments when studying science, students can pursue different career paths, promote the emergence and raise awareness of European Lifelong Learning area, be aware of EU’s abroad linguistic diversity and cultures, apply the teaching and European dimension of our schools.
Throughout the two years, there were 6 mobilities: 3 LTTs in the partner schools from Poland, Greece and Slovenia and 3 TPMs in Romania, Spain and Turkey. All the students and educational staff in each school participated to project activities.We made experiments to show a scientific fact. The experiments we made imparted knowledge because they provided detailed and subtle facts on various aspects of life and physical sciences and helped students to learn the practical aspect of science in everyday life. With the experimental approach in science, students easily grasped the concerned topic quickly. For teachers, it was very helpful to differentiate teaching of science thus focusing on addressing the individual needs of students. During the LTTs, the students were accommodated by host families and the project activities were held in the schools involved.
The project had six primary and lower-secondary public non-profit partner schools from: Romania, Greece, Turkey, Spain, Slovenia, and Poland, the school from Romania being the coordinator. Every school had a special experimental area to focus on. In each visit, partner schools worked on a different experimental topic.We had shared the mentioned areas as: Turkey-air, colour and light, Romania-water, Slovenia-space and astronomy, Spain-human body, Greece-other living beings(animals,plants etc) and Poland-electricity and magnetism. Hosting schools set up experiments as learning activities for the students together with teachers according to the experiment plan/format. All the visitors made and presented the experiments carried out by their students on the hosting country’s experimental topic. The experiments were recorded as video and photos.Then they were shared by all the schools during the visit. All these experiments were introduced in the eExperiment book which contained a specific experimental area. This process repeated for each visit. At the end of the project, we had 6 different experiment chapters that make the final eExperiment Book made by the coordinating school from Romania who also made a DVD containing the most representative 50 photos from the activities carried out by each partner school.Throughout the project implementation, as we got the experiments from our partners, we used them in our school curriculum in the science lessons.We agreed to use etwinning twinspace in public mode as our project website because it was more practical, formal and easy to upload project results and this was made by the partner school from Slovenia. At the same time,Turkey had the responsability to create the the Facebook social media project group Science Through Experiment in Europe and we decided to also create a project work platform on Google Drive made by the school from Slovenia. Before and after a visit, all the stakeholders at local, regional and national level were informed in each country about the meeting and its activities by eTwinning twinspace in public mode, Erasmus+ corners/walls, social media tools and local – national press.Towards the end of the second project year, every school organized the “SCIENCE FESTIVAL” in their schools about all the experimental areas and then created its “SCIENCE FESTIVAL MAGAZINE” which, as agreed, the Polish school combined to produce an e-magazine called ”SCIENCE FESTIVALS MAGAZINE”.
In addition, Greece had the responsability of creating two calendars ( 2017 and 2018) and a Project Information Leaflet which were used to promote and disseminate our project while the partner school from Spain had the responsability to compose the project song and to organise the contest for the project logo and motto. At the same time, Spain had the responsability to measure the quality of meetings with the help of questionarries. The responsability of dissemination and exploatation of project work and results at international level belonged to Slovenia in coordination with Romania.
All these results had a benefic impact on our institutions, local and educational communities as there was a clear progress and improvement.

EU Grant (Eur)

Funding of the project from EU: 125670 Eur

Project Coordinator


Project Partners

  • Osnovna sola Preska
  • Szkola Podstawowa im.Oskara Kolberga w Ciechocinie