Second project coordination meeting organized online by IMF – France
On April 23rd, 2021, due to the travel restrictions still in place for the Covid-19 pandemic, the second transnational project meeting has been carried out online, organised by Institut Méditerranéen de Formation et Recherche en Travail Social, from Marseille (FR).
The participants were 3 from IMF and 2 for each other partner organisation; 11 in total.
During the meeting, the following topics has been discussed:
- Exchange of good practices and tools used for Local Activities 2 and mutual updating on them by partner organizations, also regarding the limitations due to COVID situation in each country;
- Presentation of Local Activities 2 already implemented and those in progress or to be planned;
- Definition of the contents and agenda of TC3 virtual training session, held by IMF and scheduled online for May 26, 27 and 28, 2021;
- Scheduling of TC2 in Malaga;
- Identification of tools and actions for the promotion of the project website;
- Identification of elements to define a common framework for planning a future MOOC (project result).
Concerning the program of TC3 – short-term joint staff training event, the IMF proposes a 3-day program from May 26 to 28, 2021. The training will be based on presentations, filmed testimonies, practical cases and time for exchanges with partners. 2 to 5 participants per partner can attend this training.
In reference to the planning of the TC2 – blended mobility of adult learners in Spain, the activity is postponed to the Autumn, due to Covid restrictions still in place and to guarantee a good selection and preparation procedure for the learners. All the partners agree it will be important to do it phisically and not virtually to allow adult learners to exchange and meet each other.
Concerning the Local Activities 2, each partner presented the activities already carried out with their learners in each country:
- Travelogue APS and Avi Umbria – Italy: A Webinar was held, they gave a questionnaire to collect some information to enhance the non-formal and informal skills. They are planning to launch a Webinar on “Job Orientation”. Then they will analyze the CV, to make a proof concerning their needs and skills assessments.
- IMF – France: They conducted 2 workshops with adult (young people and unskilleds). Different sequences took place: brainstorming, cases studies, written productions. The IMF used the “AKI-APP application”, which is a tool that allows you to enhance your strengths in the following skills: adaptation to change, self-confidence, open-mindedness, sense of interpersonal relations, sense of responsibility (used for periods of mobility abroad but AKI-App can be used in a multitude of other contexts). Link:
The workshops helped to formalize a CV template. The synthesis of these workshops will be presented during the TC2. - IIJ – Spain: Interviews were conducted with 11 young people to know their learning needs. Questionnaires have been filled out and the results are being analyzed. Next step, CVs can be shared and improved. IIJ will then establish a professional plan to know the path to follow (training, finding a job…).
- Epralima – Portugal: They need a guideline to do the final work.
All local activities will be finalized by the Autumn.
The following project result will be the Creation of a CV model, which will also be one of the topic of the blended mobility of adult learners in Spain. The CV template developed by the IMF can be used and experimented. To experiment the CV during the training in Malaga, each 3 learners by partners will have a guideline (communicated before the training).
The next Transnational Project Meeting will be carried out in Portugal and the dates have been fixed for September.