Strategic Entrepreneurial Inclusive Education for the Sustainability of Europe in the 21st Century Erasmus Project

General information for the Strategic Entrepreneurial Inclusive Education for the Sustainability of Europe in the 21st Century Erasmus Project

Strategic Entrepreneurial Inclusive Education for the Sustainability of Europe in the 21st Century  Erasmus Project
July 7, 2020 12:00 am

Project Title

Strategic Entrepreneurial Inclusive Education for the Sustainability of Europe in the 21st Century

Project Key Action

This project related with these key action: Cooperation for innovation and the exchange of good practices

Project Action Type

This project related with this action type : Strategic Partnerships for Schools Only

Project Call Year

This project’s Call Year is 2016

Project Topics

This project is related with these Project Topics: Entrepreneurial learning – entrepreneurship education; Inclusion – equity

Project Summary

This was a two year project aimed at students from secondary level courses. Students and teachers from schools of seven countries (Portugal, Spain, Italy, France, Turkey, Bulgaria and Turkey) focused specially on disadvantaged students (being “disadvantaged” here applied to all those with fewer opportunities for some particular reason: socioeconomic disfavoured background, disabilities, minority groups, etc) and worked mainly to promote the development of key entrepreneurial competencies and soft-skills having in mind the Global World and the need of skilled, flexible, autonomous, with critical thinking work force. This was done by adopting project management methodology in the solving of real problems, through the development of projects. One teacher per country attended a training activity on entrepreneurial education and project management approach and then have replicated/ implemented the learning outcomes in respective schools, involving other teachers and students. Students have attended a special course of English (storytelling, role plays and other communication skills) and were divided in heterogeneous teams to solve problems, presenting practicable and real solutions. In the case of the SEN students included, since they are rather autonomous and functional, teachers have also helped them prepare their presentations, although with the necessary adaptations. There was a school contest to choose the best solution to the problem and corresponding public presentation, as well as who would represent the partner school in the next short exchange, where the transnational contests – SEM (Smart, Entrepreneurial Mind) TALKs – were held, with the participation of all school winning teams. In each exchange (except for the first, which referred to the training activity for teachers), 2 SEN schools out of the total number of participants were included. In total, each exchange had foreseen the participation of 2 students per country and 1 teacher, but 135 students and 63 teachers have participated in the short exchanges, i.e. 98 extra mobilities. The winning team was awarded a certificate/Diploma and a prize chosen by the hosting school. All students participating at transnational meetings were assessed on the soft skills shown at the Talks, by the attribution of special certificate. A common understanding of the core principles and issues relating to the assessment and accrediting of soft skills were previously understood by all partners before the participation in transnational meetings and SEM Talks contests. It has had impacts on many levels, such as developing students’ motivation, communication, civic and presentation skills, at the same time it has also helped them develop critical thinking, problem solving, enterprising and team building skills, which is necessary to meet the requirements of the world of work. Better integration at school and more self-confidence, improvement of skills in a foreign language, enhancement of transversal skills, intercultural acceptance and empowerment have also been achieved. Equally important, by increasing motivation, it has also helped students with fewer opportunities to envision a better future for themselves. All this combined together has helped fight early school dropout. The development of these skills have also helped SEN students, in the sense they are thought in a wat that aims at the development of autonomy and functionality. Teachers and institutions have also highly benefitted in the sense they have now a broader understanding of entrepreneurship skills, thus being more able to help their students and make a difference in their communities/regions. All the activities and the result of the projects were shared with other schools. There has been an increasing understanding of the requirements of the world of work and how to meet these requirements and an enhancement of transversal skills (entrepreneurship, team work, creativity, spirit of initiative, risk taking, problem solving, digital skills and language competences).

EU Grant (Eur)

Funding of the project from EU: 111195 Eur

Project Coordinator


Project Partners

  • Miskolci Szakkepzesi Centrum Mezokovesdi Szent Laszlo Gimnaziuma, Kozgazdasagi Szakgimnaziuma és Kollégiuma
  • Lycée de Metiers Robert Wlerick
  • 32 SU s izuchavane na chuzhdi ezici “Sv.Kliment Ohridski”