Take chances. Keep your balance. Move on. Erasmus Project
General information for the Take chances. Keep your balance. Move on. Erasmus Project
Project Title
Take chances. Keep your balance. Move on.
Project Key Action
This project related with these key action: Cooperation for innovation and the exchange of good practices
Project Action Type
This project related with this action type : Strategic Partnerships for Schools Only
Project Call Year
This project’s Call Year is 2017
Project Topics
This project is related with these Project Topics: Key Competences (incl. mathematics and literacy) – basic skills; ICT – new technologies – digital competences; Pedagogy and didactics
Project Summary
“Life is like riding a bicycle. To keep your balance, you must keep moving” these words by Albert Einstein was the clue to understand the idea of our project. The partner schools combined different kinds of methods to respond to students preferences and interests. The staff enriched their workshop and developed their professional career. The students and teachers experienced loads of opportunities keeping the balance at the same time and going forward.
The partnership “Take chances. Keep your balance. Move on” consisted of five schools from: Poland, Turkey, Greece, Slovenia and Germany. The main objectives of the project were:
-to develop and adapt the programme “Enhancing basic skills by games” into the curricula of each partner school
-to develop and adapt the programme “ICT tools for creative and logical thinking” into the curricula of each partner school
-to develop new innovative forms of learning and teaching the English language,
-to stimulate and activate students with fewer opportunities through their access to high quality activities
-to reinforce group work focused on cooperation between students
-to increase the number of opportunities for professional staff development
About 500 students (120- Poland, 100- Turkey, 140-Greece, 60- Slovenia and 90- Germany) worked together with about 60 eager teachers (PL-12, TR-12, GR-11, SL-8, GE-10) on the project activities. However, in some activities of the project more students and teachers were involved (especially during the students’ exchanges). We supported students with fewer opportunities (100 students-20/school) using different methods that made them capable of learning. Definitely our whole school communities benefited from the cooperation.
The first year was designed to know the partners: students, teachers, cultures, geography, legends using different tools and methods. It was about drama and ICT. The process of gaining the knowledge about the partners continued in the next years of the project. During the second year we created and played variable games in order to activate students and make them fully involved in the learning process. The attractive way of gaining new skills motivated both students and teachers. The third year of the project was dedicated to logical and creative thinking. We continued adapting our programme concerning games and introduced the other one about ICT in logic and creativity.
The project enabld students to participate in a high quality learning environments regardless their financial and social status, disability or educational difficulties. Both students and teachers were engaged in each stage of the project: planning, implementation, evaluation and dissemination. They worked locally and together during four short-term exchanges of groups of pupils and two short-term joint staff training events. The project activities were integrated into the curricula of the schools.
The participants acquired skills in maths, ICT, foreign language learning and teaching, logical and creative thinking, movie making, taking photos, drama and crafts. They also increased their self esteem and motivation for learning and teaching. Students developed their entrepreneurial skills what fosteedr their employability in future. Teachers gained insight on different educational systems, exchanged ideas about pedagogical approaches, exercised languages, practiced ICT skills. The project was innovative as it ensured keeping balance not only in education. As the sustainable development was the key to plan the project activities. the students enhanced their skills useful in their life and future professional careers.
The project results were: school plays and shows, scripts with legends and online quizzes, games (board, language, strategy, computer and playground), photos, placards, posters, wall paintings, presentations, common dance shows, game fastivals, a mannequin challenge, a lipdub, interviews with students, group quizzes, school programmes, methodological articles and materials.
The partnership was monitored and evaluated during the three years through meetings discussions, e-mails, video conferences and periodical evaluations by means of questionnaires addressed to students, teachers and community members. Questionnaires and diaries were used to monitor and evaluate the project work. The results of the partnership have been disseminated to local and wider community through a various range of tools.
EU Grant (Eur)
Funding of the project from EU: 148730 Eur
Project Coordinator
Szkola Podstawowa im. Krola Zygmunta Augusta & Country: PL
Project Partners
- Bolaman Ortaokulu
- Osnovna sola dr. Antona Trstenjaka Negova
- Grundschule und Mittelschule Lauterhofen