Take responsibility for our future: For Us The United Regions in Europe Erasmus Project

General information for the Take responsibility for our future: For Us The United Regions in Europe Erasmus Project

Take responsibility for our future: For Us The United Regions in Europe Erasmus Project
July 7, 2020 12:00 am

Project Title

Take responsibility for our future: For Us The United Regions in Europe

Project Key Action

This project related with these key action: Cooperation for innovation and the exchange of good practices

Project Action Type

This project related with this action type : Strategic Partnerships for Schools Only

Project Call Year

This project’s Call Year is 2017

Project Topics

This project is related with these Project Topics: Teaching and learning of foreign languages; Natural sciences; ICT – new technologies – digital competences

Project Summary

Our project, based on Al Gore’s book entiteld «Future », deals with our future through some of its anthropogenic and natural components.
Our objectives were :
– a greater autonomy in the use of the English language
– an improvement of students’ language skills in English
– an awareness of environmental and energy issues
– a thought on the use of new technologies and their consequences

We succeeded in performing 4 mobilities, each one dealing with one topic observed in Al Gore’s book, that is to say :
– In Hungary, we worked on the Big Date issue
– In France, we focused on human health : food resources and biodiversity (former wheats), food which may exist tomorrow (GMO, spherified food) but also the ‘connected ‘ health (with the rise of all health sensors such as heart beats , mass, the number of steps…)
– In Germany, the topic concentrated on energies : how to get rid of nuclear energy ? What are the energies of the future ?
– In Romania, earth natural ressources were the last subject we dealt with (the Overshoot Day)

Before each international mobility, some pre-activities , mostlly based on documentary researches and the preparation of documents in order to anticipate those meetings, were organized in each country. Those documents were shared as far as possible. Slide shows were also made and used for that purpose.
After each mobility, a report was delivered. Some surveys were also fulfilled.

All those activities can be found on the Twinspace entitled « Future » with the following link : https://twinspace.etwinning.net/43815/home

All the participants were pupils, most of them studying in High schools. They all volunteered for this project.
As for the teachers, they were also willing to take part in that project, being totally involved in it.

Outcomes and impacts
– openness to others thanks to this international cooperation which lasted 2 years
– awareness of the different European citizens’ ways of life
– discovery of new cultures different from ours
– matching between French and Romanian schools
– a longer mobility (one month) was established between France anf Hungary ( creating bonds of friendship not only between adults but also between young people who asked to be invoved in that extra linguistic exchange programme of one month)

Long-term benefits
We hope that we will manage to carry on this cooperation through other projects
We have already worked on a new project, submitting it as a new KA2 project, with two of our partners (Hungary and Romania)
Another one-month exchange with Hungary has already been considered.
We are also considering the request of a new partner (a school in Riva del Garde, Italy) to establish a one-week exhange

EU Grant (Eur)

Funding of the project from EU: 109080 Eur

Project Coordinator

lycée Notre Dame d’Espérance & Country: FR

Project Partners

  • Private staatlich anerkannte Wirtschaftsschule Sabel München
  • Bornemisza Péter Gimnázium, Általános Iskola, Alapfokú Muvészeti Iskola, Óvoda és Sportiskola
  • Liceul Teoretic MIkes Kelemen