Teachers meet to pilot training course on climate education

The Teaching the Future project organised a teacher training workshop for partners in Athens at project partner Doukas School. The purpose was to meet with teachers in order to trial and pilot the online course on climate education created by the project. The course consists of four training modules: – Climate – addressing the Challenge READ MORE >
Teachers meet to pilot training course on climate education
November 8, 2023 11:37 am

The Teaching the Future project organised a teacher training workshop for partners in Athens at project partner Doukas School. The purpose was to meet with teachers in order to trial and pilot the online course on climate education created by the project.teachers photo

The course consists of four training modules:
– Climate – addressing the Challenge
– Methodologies for Powerful Learning
– Encouraging students’ engagement to local issues
– Data, tools and resources

The first module explored during the training was Data, tools and resources module. It is devoted to accessing and using a digital data dashboard through a GeoInquiry activity.

Other tools and resources that bring scientific information into the classroom are also introduced.dashboard minumum temperatures Europe

The purpose of the Data, tools and resources module is to encourage pupils to access and use climate data to investigate the data collected by climate scientists. It encourages research of the climatic conditions in local areas by presenting global and European climate data visualised the form of a data dashboard.

The dashboards visualise historical data sets of temperature and precipitation. This is done by aggregating thirty years of data to establish mean conditions.  It shows clearly temperatures have been warming, but the effect varies in different locations.

The dashboard allows users to select data elements, zoom in to different locations anddashboard global predicted temperature present information at local regional, national and global scales.

It computes average temperatures and precipitation rates for the locations on the maps.

One dashboard also offers predictions of future temperature patterns across the world until 2100.

Access the data dashboards.

Visit the training module on Data, tools and resources .