Tell your story: self-expression as approach in media literacy Erasmus Project

General information for the Tell your story: self-expression as approach in media literacy Erasmus Project

Tell your story: self-expression as approach in media literacy Erasmus Project
July 7, 2020 12:00 am

Project Title

Tell your story: self-expression as approach in media literacy

Project Key Action

This project related with these key action: Cooperation for innovation and the exchange of good practices

Project Action Type

This project related with this action type : Strategic Partnerships for adult education

Project Call Year

This project’s Call Year is 2017

Project Topics

This project is related with these Project Topics: Key Competences (incl. mathematics and literacy) – basic skills; Intercultural/intergenerational education and (lifelong)learning; ICT – new technologies – digital competences

Project Summary

“Tell your story: self-expression as approach in media literacy” was Erasmus+ Strategic Partnerships project for five partners from Poland, Malta, Estonia, France and Italy. The aims of the project were to develop during 22 months initiatives addressing spheres of adult education and exchanges of experience and best practices in storytelling. By this partners contributed to the objectives of the Erasmus+ Programme and enhanced the professional development of educators working in the field of adult education. For the purpose to fulfilling these objectives, the project team sustained the creation of flexible learning pathways in line with learners’ needs. Partners also reinforced network, increased capacity to operate at transnational level, shared ideas, best practices and methods. Project coordinator was Fundacja CREATOR from Poland.

General objectives were the promotion of adult education and cooperation between partners, better recognition of non-formal education. The specific objectives supported exchanges of practices, improvement of the level of competences and skills of educators and adult learners. Project participants acquired various abilities applicable to a wide variety of issues. They were exposed to technology tools that were embedded in purposeful learning, allowing them to transfer knowledge from one tool to another. Adult educators improved their competences in planing and running own workshops in storytelling. Project supported cooperation between organisations working in the field of adult education.

This Erasmus+ Strategic Partnership project aims were:
– to collect existing best practices in Europe and in the world in storytelling;
– to test and edit existing and new tools in adult education during project training courses and workshops;
– to multiply education tools during the local activities in partners countries;
– to train on local level adult learners, to give them opportunity to be heard, attractive and more visible in local community and on labour market.

The storytelling approach in education for adults was targeted through non-formal learning methods, learning by doing, which aim at enhancing experiences and competences of staff members of partners organisations, adult learners and other stakeholders. More than 100 staff members and adult learners from partners countries were directly involved in the project and more than 1000 indirectly during dissemination activities.

Four international meetings in Poland, France, Estonia and Italy and one training course in Malta in combination with local activities were complementary for exchange of best practices and learning from each other. Project fostered intercultural dialogue and mutual understanding and particularly during dissemination activities when partners organised project presentations and video CVs and stories they created during the project. Partners disseminated at the highest possible level the knowledge acquired from this project in their organisations and countries, on regional, European and international levels.

One of the main results of this project were intangible. The knowledge, skills, attitudes were measured by self-assessment mechanisms, interviews and questionnaires. Self-assessment forms were used before and after the trainings on international and local levels for staff members and adult learners. They helped to evaluate achievements and generated recommendations for future improvements of project activities. This information was shared with all partners. Questionnaires were used to evaluate project activities and the whole project.

Impact on the target groups were seen on new competences which they gained after the implemented project activities by using a specific methodology of storytelling. Project results can be used and exploited in the longer-term, especially resources in adult education and storytelling, that are available in the Internet. Because they are e-products, they will be constantly added with new materials from project partner organisations and also from other institutions.

Project was sustainable also because of strong network: partners together with few other organisations plan to apply with new Erasmus+ project in 2020.

EU Grant (Eur)

Funding of the project from EU: 59640 Eur

Project Coordinator

Fundacja CREATOR & Country: PL

Project Partners

  • Fondazione Giuseppe Levi-Pelloni