TEODOR – Transeuropean Educational Initiative in Organ Donation and Transplantation Erasmus Project
General information for the TEODOR – Transeuropean Educational Initiative in Organ Donation and Transplantation Erasmus Project
Project Title
TEODOR – Transeuropean Educational Initiative in Organ Donation and Transplantation
Project Key Action
This project related with these key action: Cooperation for innovation and the exchange of good practices
Project Action Type
This project related with this action type : Strategic Partnerships for higher education
Project Call Year
This project’s Call Year is 2020
Project Topics
This project is related with these Project Topics: Cooperation between educational institutions and business; Health and wellbeing; New innovative curricula/educational methods/development of training courses
Project Summary
Organ donation and transplantation has become an established practice, bringing considerable benefits to thousands of patients in Europe and worldwide every year. The shortage of organs for transplant was observed in each EU Member State and has been the main challenge to address in organ transplantation.
TEODOR project comes to meet the recommendation given at EU level in 2017 and proposes a sustainable and innovative training in organ donation and transplantation in Baltic regions (Latvia and Lithuania) and Central Europe (Czech Republic). The project is led by Pauls Stradins Clinical University Hospital (Latvia), with the collaboration and expertise of Spanish and Swedish partners.
TEODOR aims at designing and piloting a new and innovative training programme on organ donation and transplantation for relevant healthcare personnel from Latvia, Czech Republic, and Lithuania.
Target Groups:
· For organ and tissue donation, Key Donation Professionals (KDPs) such as healthcare personnel from Intensive Care Units, Emergency Departments, Neuro-critical wards, organ donor/transplant coordinators;
· For organ transplantation, the Key Transplantation Professionals (KTPs) such as Immunologists, transplant surgeons, nephrologists, hepatologists, cardiologists, pneumonologists, etc.
Activities and methodology:
1. Data analysis throughout TEODOR to evaluate the programme impact on learners’ knowledge and their clinical performance.
2. Design and implement a Train the Trainers programme targeting all the future trainers. The programme will include a multi-session approach, with face to face and virtual progressive sessions and an OPEN DOORS multiplier event in Latvia.
3. Design and implement modular multilevel blended training with two modules: one on organ &tissue donation for KDPs and one on organ transplanation for KTPs on three levels:
· The first level: engaging and motivating the learners with a variety of activities and resources;
· The second level: boosting learning WHAT TO DO through guided online learning and HOW AND WHEN TO DO IT through online master classes;
· The third level: facilitate transfer of competencies to the clinical setting through direct support in their clinical environment, streamlining and teleassistance. Clinical projects will further facilitate the transfer of what has been learned to their practice settings and will be evaluated in the face to face trans-national seminar.
4. Dissemination and visibility. To ensure the continuity and sustainability of TEODOR through a dissemination strategy, visibility plan and sustainability actions.
The project results foreseen are:
· Prospective study in the three beneficiary partner countries (Latvia, Czech Republic and Lithuania) and scientific publications;
· Trainer for Trainers Curriculum;
· A total of 12-16 experts trained as future trainers;
· TEODOR Curriculum;
· Module on Organ & Tissue Donation and related resources;
· Module on Organ Transplantation and related resources;
· A total of 75 healthcare professionals trained in TEODOR: 45 KDPs (15 KDPs/partner institutions from Latvia, Czech Republic, and Lithuania) and 30 KTPs (15 KTPs/partner institutions from Latvia and Lithuania).
Impact and potential longer-term benefits: better awareness at different societal levels, including individual, healthcare professionals (both directly involved and others), and decision makers.
At local and regional level, the impact envisaged will be as follows:
· For trainers and learners: better technical and non-technical competences;
· For patients: more potential donors identified, better transplant programmes, less patients on the waiting list, better short- and long-term transplant outcomes, higher quality of life;
· For hospitals: better donation and transplantation programmes in place. Empowerment of Intensive Care Units, Emergency and central services of the hospital;
· For HEI: new programmes available making use of new technologies, best practice exchange and know-how transfer.
At national level TEODOR will impact positively to National Agencies on development of organ exchange programmes.
At European level we expect TEODOR may create better compliance with the European recommendations and best practice exchange among Baltic, Southern, Central and Northern European healthcare professionals to improve organ donation and transplantation practices and education.
Potential longer-term benefits:
· Integration of TEODOR in the beneficiary centres during the project lifecycle;
· Transfer of digital contents to the platforms of the beneficiary countries upon project closure, minimum cost maintenance;
· Long-term sustainability plan and signing a Memorandum of Understanding for minimum 3 years post project;
· Possibility of content translation into local language;
· Better hospital direction, improvement in hospital general services and National competent authorities support and involvement.
EU Grant (Eur)
Funding of the project from EU: 398396 Eur
Project Coordinator
Project Partners
- Nacionalinis transplantacijos biuras prie Sveikatos apsaugos ministerijos
- Fakultní nemocnice Královské Vinohrady