The 3rd ProCESS project’s Winter School and ProCESS Final Conference at TUCN

The 3rd ProCESS project’s Winter School and ProCESS Final conference are organized between 22 – 25 January 2024, at Technical University of Cluj-Napoca, Cluj-Napoca, Romania. The Winter School is attended by all 16 ProCESS student teams, Academic Coaches, and Company Coaches that worked together since September 2023 to solve the four business challenges proposed by …

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The 3rd ProCESS project’s Winter School and ProCESS Final Conference at TUCN
January 5, 2024 11:05 am

The 3rd ProCESS project’s Winter School and ProCESS Final conference are organized between 22 – 25 January 2024, at Technical University of Cluj-Napoca, Cluj-Napoca, Romania.

The Winter School is attended by all 16 ProCESS student teams, Academic Coaches, and Company Coaches that worked together since September 2023 to solve the four business challenges proposed by ProCESS partner companies Sanofi (France), De KLAUSEN (Romania), Keskisuomalainen (Finland) and Latvijas Pasts (Latvia). External guests, SESS trainers and Project Managers of universities and companies from all four project’s partner countries, in total about 100 participants, are expected at this event.

At the Winter School, all student teams present the action plans they have prepared during the 3rd round of ProCESS complex management cases. The presentations of the final reports are evaluated by Company Coaches and Academic Coaches and feedback is given to the participant students. At the end, each student receives an individual report of SESS (sensory, emotional, and spiritual skills) development and evaluation, created by the partner company PerformanSe (France).

On Tuesday, 23rd of January 2024, the ProCESS project Multiplier Event takes place with the participation of external guests: external universities, companies, and other stakeholders. The event is dedicated to tailored SESS training sessions based on piano music and improvisational theater, and presentations on ProCESS methodology, the value of SES Skills in business and the use of soft skills to manage business complexity in Romanian organizations. The event creates the framework that facilitates knowledge sharing and networking between participants: invited organizations, experts, SES trainers and students that were involved in the project implementation.

On Thursday, 25th of January 2024, the ProCESS Final Conference including a Press Conference is organized. The aim of this event is to spread ProCESS results and deliverables not only to companies, universities, and vocational training centers but also to public authorities, rectorates, EU officers and other stakeholders. During this event, presentations on the Knowledge Alliances Erasmus+ objectives and their connection to ProCESS project, Complexity and ProCESS methodology, SES skills evaluation and project best practices are delivered. During the networking session are organized a press conference, a poster session to present the students solutions of complex management cases and a SESS trainers’ promotion session (SES network and catalogue collage running on presentation screens in the main hallway).

The event ends on Thursday, 25th of January 2024, with an award ceremony for the students and partners engaged in the last year of the ProCESS project implementation.

The preliminary agendas of the events can be found at the following links:

Preliminary agenda of 3rd ProCESS Winter School at TUCN

Preliminary agenda of ProCESS Multiplier Event

Preliminary agenda of ProCESS Final Conference

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