The Future of the Jobs vs the Jobs of the Future Erasmus Project

General information for the The Future of the Jobs vs the Jobs of the Future Erasmus Project

The Future of the Jobs vs the Jobs of the Future Erasmus Project
January 1, 2023 12:00 am

Project Title

The Future of the Jobs vs the Jobs of the Future

Project Key Action

This project related with these key action: Cooperation for innovation and the exchange of good practices

Project Action Type

This project related with this action type : Strategic Partnerships for vocational education and training

Project Call Year

This project’s Call Year is 2019

Project Topics

This project is related with these Project Topics: New innovative curricula/educational methods/development of training courses; Teaching and learning of foreign languages; ICT – new technologies – digital competences

Project Summary

This project involves staffs of a big vocational training centre and 5 secondary vocational schools from 6 small-to-medium sized towns in Europe. The project creators live and work in a semi-rural context or towns of secondary economic importance. As a consequence, their students have to cope with a challenging economic situation in which high risk of unemployment, social exclusion, and low household incomes are the norm, putting them in a position of clear disadvantage compared to their peers from better-off areas and countries of the European Union.
The title of our project is ’The Future of the Jobs vs the Jobs of the Future’.
Most organisations are facing the same challenge of demand for high-level qualifications in EU, so we try to renew the vocational education according to the needs of the domestic and international job market. This should answer the demand of high-qualified teachers and professionals at schools and other institutions to provide enough well qualified workers.
Another reason for this project is that getting students’ interest and motivating them in today’s digitalised world is very difficult with traditional methods, as they cannot imagine their lives without the technology and the Internet. That is why we, the educators, must adapt to the new expectations, and we must renew our traditional, well-established methods with innovative teaching-learning methods. In vocational training sometimes our students are under motivated, they drop out school too early, they do not have any plans for the future. On the other hand, in our changing world the labour market requires more-educated workers with up-to-date knowledge. New professions are required in many fields of economy, and schools have to follow the new trends to follow the requirements and needs of companies, or employers. The main aim of vocational education is to prepare students for the future, as we want to give them such education and professional knowledge that will help them to be successful both in the national and international labour market.
What makes this project innovative is the fact that it addresses actual questions in the labour market and in the world economy in a comprehensive way: Technology has transformed so many different aspects of our lives and the workplace is no exception. The skills of today’s workers need to possess to succeed in the job market are wildly different from those required from previous generations. The project is based on good practices of different European institutions, which will be resulted in a collection of new, innovative practices and methods. We will work on different topics, the institutions will present and explain their good practices, the methods they are good at. The key factors of this project are promoting 21st century skills in vocational education such as problem solving, team working, leadership, digital literacy, communication and and practising them in exciting and effective ways. If we take the needs of future job market into consideration we have to renew and refresh the list of offered jobs.
At the end of the project we will compile a book with good practices which will be published in paper form and online both in English and in the mother language of the participant countries. The content of this publication will be the good practices and methods collected during the project implementation including the following parts:
Marker Pedagogy, Experience -based learning, Experience in apprenticeship and entrepreneurship, Digital skills and soft skills, Development of projects with companies and higher education institutions, Improving language skills in an international work environment.
The results of the project and the good practices would appear in the schools, the teachers would be more prepared for teaching the 21st century generation. Our aim is to reduce the number of early school leavers and to develop learning materials with new teaching methods to help students with weaker skills and competences.
Teachers working on this project will know a methodology worked out on international level with international teaching methods. They will change good practices with teachers from partner countries, hey can develop their problem-solving skills and know the advantages of team work. They can get own experience how to set theory in practice in professional lessons. With the help of these new experiences teachers can renew their teaching methodology, they will share their lesson plans and thematic plans to try them later in the classroom.

EU Grant (Eur)

Funding of the project from EU: 132355 Eur

Project Coordinator

Nyíregyházi Szakképzési Centrum & Country: HU

Project Partners

  • Second Vocational High School of Chania
  • IES F. Ribalta
  • FORAVE – Associação para a Educação Profissional do Vale do Ave
  • I.I.S.S. “Carlo Maria Carafa” Mazzarino
  • Greåker videregående skole