The innovative European fusion of “Information, Communication and Technology“and “Green Energy“. Erasmus Project
General information for the The innovative European fusion of “Information, Communication and Technology“and “Green Energy“. Erasmus Project
Project Title
The innovative European fusion of “Information, Communication and Technology“and “Green Energy“.
Project Key Action
This project related with these key action: Cooperation for innovation and the exchange of good practices
Project Action Type
This project related with this action type : Strategic Partnerships for Schools Only
Project Call Year
This project’s Call Year is 2016
Project Topics
This project is related with these Project Topics: Environment and climate change; International cooperation, international relations, development cooperation; ICT – new technologies – digital competences
Project Summary
IC Green- in a changing world. Being convinced that young people and their teachers need a variety of key competences, including environmental awareness and ICT knowledge to manage those changes successfully, we improved the quality of our education and contributed to a more sustainable, smarter European economy.
During this project our pupils became eco-conscious citizens of the EU. We worked together and found efficient approaches to reach the Europe 2020 targets. Our project had three objectives that consisted of several skills:
The first objective was a professional one: It was based on two pillars: ICT and green energy.
Pupils and teachers became more familiar with ICT tools and we boosted their scientific skills. They learnt more about Green energies and its importance for their daily lives. By combining scientific knowledge with the participants’ daily tools, we raised their motivation and interest in scientific issues. The pupils have to be equipped with required skills to be qualified workers within the global labour market.
The second objective was a linguistic one: In our globalized world it is almost impossible to get a job without speaking a foreign language. We equipped our pupils with the required knowledge and we wanted participants to become aware of this necessity. We enabled pupils who had never been abroad to train communication in a foreign language and to find out their capacity to use it in direct communications. So they also gained confidence and awareness of their ability to speak a foreign language. To underpin their linguistic skills, we applied strategies to improve their reading and speaking skills not only in a foreign language but also in their mother tongue.
The third objective was a cultural one: We wanted participants to realize that each European country must preserve its characteristic features. Knowing how to handle these features and how to avoid misunderstandings are important skills. All the activities that have been made in collaboration between partners from different countries have helped participants to become aware of the European dimension of their professional life and have broadened their minds in order to improve the communication and interaction between citizens regardless of nationality, age, gender and origin. Participants became more tolerant, empathetic and intercultural Europeans who will contribute to equality, social cohesion and active citizenship. To achieve the project’s’ objectives, six schools from Belgium, Bulgaria, France, Germany, Spain and Sweden have worked together. We actively involved participants in collaborative tasks.
Pupils have benefited from the project in the following way:
1. They got a picture of today’s energy consumption in their countries and studied the impacts of non-renewable energies on the
2. They visited Green energy facilities on a European level
3. They worked on documents related to Green energy and ICT during English lessons to become more fluent when tackling these topics
4. They made movies about Green energy
5. They prepared ICT lessons to teach pupils and teachers
6. They discovered, understood and accepted differences by working together with pupils from other countries
7. They organized energy consumption Awareness days.
Teachers have benefited from the project in the following way:
1. Teachers have prepared various methods to evaluate the project.
2. Teachers have been trained in using various ICT tools.
3. Teachers have taken better consideration of the needs and expectations of their pupils.
4. Teachers have become more aware of and open-minded towards new pedagogical strategies.
5. Teachers have enriched their experience in European project work. The material designed during the project was both published on the website and used within different course curriculum subjects.
Moreover, it is accessible for other schools by means of the Erasmus + Project Results Platform and Etwinning.
Besides pupil and teacher-centered activities, we also improved key competences which can be used like a toolbox in daily life:
1. Improvement of digital competences to communicate with participants from partner schools, to create materials, to evaluate and to improve the quality of general and vocational education.
2. Improvement of scientific knowledge: Pupils were sensitized to scientific issues and to describe scientific phenomena and found access to STEM knowledge.
3. Improvement of linguistic skills in a foreign language and mother tongue in order to be able to communicate with people from different countries.
4. Cultural awareness: Getting to know other cultures reduced prejudices, which led to a more tolerant attitude.
5. Intercultural competence: Participants were enabled to interact appropriately with students and teachers from other countries.
EU Grant (Eur)
Funding of the project from EU: 112570 Eur
Project Coordinator
Berufliche Schulen Oberndorf-Sulz & Country: DE
Project Partners
- Mikael Elias gymnasium AB
- Lycée Saint-Clair
- Secondary school Georgi Izmirliev
- Emmaüsinstituut@2