The Mediterranean: a sea shrined with readings and imagination. Erasmus Project

General information for the The Mediterranean: a sea shrined with readings and imagination. Erasmus Project

The Mediterranean: a sea shrined with readings and imagination. Erasmus Project
January 1, 2023 12:00 am

Project Title

The Mediterranean: a sea shrined with readings and imagination.

Project Key Action

This project related with these key action: Cooperation for innovation and the exchange of good practices

Project Action Type

This project related with this action type : School Exchange Partnerships

Project Call Year

This project’s Call Year is 2019

Project Topics

This project is related with these Project Topics: Creativity and culture; Gender equality / equal opportunities; Access for disadvantaged

Project Summary

the protector si focused no encouraging reading.It is proposed a Reader Club and Mini-clubs treating the following topics: Bullying at school, Cyberbullying and the Violence of gender. Through reading, the societariamente is motívate, starting with the familias, tren the schools and finally in the Institutions. We are intermediaries. We hace to teach reading in orden that any interpretation can prevail. Reading must be a pleasure, a leisure activity, something that makes you to grow up intellectually. With the new digital platforms, the ‘status quo’ of reading has been changed. The parts of the reading- chain must be defined as well as the institutions around it , schools and librarles. We want to abolish bullying at schools, cyberbullying and the viólenle of gender that we can see among young people through the se targets: 1.- Developing the habit of reading.2.- Working the basic skills: lingüistic, artistic, social,civic communication and the personal autonomy and development. 3.- Transmiting emotions and feelings by reading. 4.- Providing skills to the teachers to motívate students in their process of learning with a more inclusive methodology. 5.- Training teachers in the use of digital web 2,0 and 3,0 tools, as well as in social networks, iOS management App, educación and Label-Net (suitable behaviour in social networks). 6.-Improving the lingüistic skill among teachers in Italian language. 7.- Increasing the knowledgement of the different educacional sistema and the Italian cultura. 8.- Boosting the European dimension of the centre, making easy future proyects. Developing a tight colaboration between the two countries. 9.- Assigning skills based on multiple intelligences. To reinforce the European aspect in Secondary Education and Bachillerato, the students will take part in the Long Last Mobility, paying attention to those people who come from a low-economic level and it will be an opportunity: it will be more open, tolerant and receptive to other cultures. They will be living for three months out of their day to day life, they will know there is another different and possible reality. It will be also useful to their laboral future. It will be worked out the suitable ways of teaching, the didactic materials and the new technologies,too. The students will respect the new language and all that means multi-cultural diversity. It will be taught by using an innovative didactic: Cooperative Learning, Learning by doing and Peer to Peer. The skills will be improved,the group work, the social relationships and the planning.TICs will be used. During the mobility, the teaching partner will a job Shadowing and one teacher will teach CLILL lessons in the welcoming country for both parts. Activities of the project: a) Create mini-clubs of reading. b) Workshops of short stories and take part in contests of GRUPO LEO and Premi Contarella de la ciutat d’ Alacant. Reading with musi in the events hall. c) ‘Let’s go to the theatre ‘. Cultural activity in both countries. d) Visit bookshops. e) Traditional Mediterranean Gastronomy workshop, by recovering traditional cookery books (manufacturing and an exhibition). f) Cómic workshops. Exhibition in the hall. g) Meeting with writers who are related with these topics. h) Lectures. I) Creation of a Drama staff,performing a play which will be recorded on a CD. j) Conferences about ‘ Cinema and Literature’, projecting a film based on the readings. k) Writing workshop, having as a main issue The Mediterranean Sea. Reading in the events hall. l) Lecture about ‘The Mediterranean Culture’ (Mediterranean writers,musicians and film directors) . m) Workshop about ‘From Orient to Occident’ a research and selection of books which have contributed to the Mediterranean Culture. Exhibition of the evolution of the book. n) Grafiti workshop: painting on a wall, having as a topic ‘Books in the Mediterranean Culture’. As a result, we will get a digital book with all the different parts of the project and a CD with the two plays, being uploaded on the Internet platforms used in this project. The impact will be in general in the whole center and among all those people who participated in the performing. It will be introduced to institutions and means of commmunication. It will be uploaded on the Internet and it will be included in the annual magazine and it will be announced in YOU TUBE Cavanilles. We hope answers,as soon as possible, among all students, changes in their back. And among teachers, who can get uploaded methodologies that will be kept for a long period of time. We will establish bonds of friendship between students and teachers from both countries. We will keep in contact till the end to interchange material.

EU Grant (Eur)

Funding of the project from EU: 64844 Eur

Project Coordinator


Project Partners

  • Istituto Superiore Majorana