General information for the THE RIGHT CONNECTION Erasmus Project
Project Title
Project Key Action
This project related with these key action: Cooperation for innovation and the exchange of good practices
Project Action Type
This project related with this action type : Strategic Partnerships for Schools Only
Project Call Year
This project’s Call Year is 2015
Project Topics
This project is related with these Project Topics: Entrepreneurial learning – entrepreneurship education; Youth (Participation, Youth Work, Youth Policy) ; EU Citizenship, EU awareness and Democracy
Project Summary
The Project “THE RIGHT CONNECTION” dealt with several aspects of human and social rights. Diverse stakeholders from the humanitarian, social, professional, governmental and non-governmental fields were part of the project. The project considered the different aspects by focussing on institutions and legal texts. The project contents and lesson units took into account the “European Convention on Human Rights” and the “Universal Declaration of Human Rights”. The involved participants had direct contact with the responsible stakeholders, for instance at the European Court of Human Rights in Strasbourg (France) and the Commission of Children’s Rights in Nicosia (Cyprus). The students took part in lectures with professionals from the humanitarian fields for example at the Institute of Human Rights at the University of Valecia (Spain) as well as the Antidiscrimiation office at the Human Rights Center in Kalrsruhe (Germany).
Our aim was to increase the European dimension of our schools and to raise awareness about “EU Citizens’ Rights and Human Rights”, entrepreneurship, openness to the public in general and innovation of school in the 21st century. Indeed, the students promoted and dessiminated their knowledge on local, regional, national and European level by organizing public events, exhbitions, information days, a survey involving the general public, concerts, celebrations of the Human Rights Day, etc. They informed several target groups – peers and adults – about human rights. They also gained access to the working world thanks to meetings with specific stakeholders such as the Svenska Kullagerfabriken in Gothenburg (Sweden) and others.
The participants consisted of students and teachers of the Albertus-Magnus-Gymnasium Ettlingen (Germany), the Polemidia Gymnasium Limassol (Cyprus), Lexby Skola Partille (Sweden) and IES Tirant lo Blanc Gandia (Spain). The number of students amounts to 90 students aged 14 to 17. In each school, students were assigned operational, organisational and communicative tasks and met in weekly sessions in the Erasmus+ Club. The eTwinning platform was used to acces a range of presentations generated by students. Such a working method provided a way to remain in constant contact and closely work together. Finally, the students attended lessons units on human rights which were taught in team-teaching during four different “learning, teaching and training actvitities”. The whole project and the lesson units were supervised by a team of teachers from subjects such as Modern Languages, Social Studies, Natural Sciences, Religious Education, History, Arts, Geography or Computer Science.
The project results and products added value to the entire project. To begin with, the students and the teachers acted as representatives of the project called “THE RIGHT CONNECTION”. They were able to feel part of a single community and organization by mastering tasks in international teams. In addition, elements of corporate identity fostered such feelings for example by wearing the same T-shirt during the various events or by creating a common official logo and plaque to commemorate the project. The project website was the focal and reference point. Furthermore, the participants met with members of the press and attended offcial ceremonies. Finally, the participants took part in evaluations in order to have a feedback on their work. The final event of the project will consist of an exhibition during the celebration of the Human Rights Day 2017. Students will be handed out their europasses as well as the project booklet. By doing so, we contribute to the sustainabilty of our project even after completion.
The participants explored new fields since it involved a wide range of tasks. They acquired a better understanding of European culture, diverse working methods and problem solving. They worked on topics related to human, social, historical and political issues in an international project. As a result, they integrated the project content on an interdisciplinary level and applied it to several subjects. Thanks to the varitey of institutions and stakeholders introduced to the project, they have broadened their academic and professional career. Students have improved their ICT, language, communicative and entrepreneurial skills. The project has improved teachers’ professional and organizational skills and has had an impact on the entire school community and hence will reinforce the connection between the members and foster corporate identity within the school.
The different stakeholders have benefited of the opportunity to work with teaching staff and students from diverse cultural and traditional backgrounds, to make their work and aims public thanks to the different activities and the dissemination of the project results in traditional and digital media. Finally, in the long run, students might be interested to start a professional career in one of the fields dealt with during the project.
EU Grant (Eur)
Funding of the project from EU: 86800 Eur
Project Coordinator
Albertus-Magnus-Gymnasium & Country: DE
Project Partners
- Lexby Skola