The Three Question Model Of Developing Social Entrepreneurs Erasmus Project
General information for the The Three Question Model Of Developing Social Entrepreneurs Erasmus Project
Project Title
The Three Question Model Of Developing Social Entrepreneurs
Project Key Action
This project related with these key action: Cooperation for innovation and the exchange of good practices
Project Action Type
This project related with this action type : Strategic Partnerships for adult education
Project Call Year
This project’s Call Year is 2017
Project Topics
This project is related with these Project Topics: New innovative curricula/educational methods/development of training courses; Entrepreneurial learning – entrepreneurship education
Project Summary
The 3 Question Model (T3QM) will develop, test, evaluate & valorise the 3QM EU Model. T3QM is an innovative way for adult educators to offer high quality and needs focused coaching to (social) start-up founders to become sustainable. T3QM is an adult learner (entrepreneur) focused business planning approach which coaches aspiring adult entrepreneurs so they can develop a fledgling start-up in to an impactful and income generating enterprise. T3QM is focused on practical business experience and the methodology comes from BTF (a UK enterprise incubator) blended methodology of (social) business support comprising of micro-investment, start-ups and incubation. T3QM EU will enable a wide variety of aspirant entrepreneurs, from backgrounds of need and whom fail to access traditional support, to practically develop their enterprise idea by approaching business development not as a theoretical exercise, but from the perspective of the market, the entrepreneur and the steps needed to start a business and create employment.
T3QM’s objectives match European policy objectives: 1)To increase the capacity of adult educators to develop entrepreneurial skills amongst adult learners 2)To transfer&adapt a methodology of job creation (via entrepreneurship&self-employment) to new socio-cultural environments&linguistic contexts 3)To increase the entrepreneurial capacity of adult learners&enable them to create their own jobs as a result of the methodology. –T3QM contributes to overall transversal policy priorities for education & training, & the objectives of Europe 2020, through its focus on employment, innovation, education & social inclusion. –T3QM supports the outcomes desired by Rethinking Education: Investing in Skills for better socio-economic outcomes as it transfers a skills development methodology focused exclusively on skills needed for employment, & in particular self-employment. –T3QM focuses on the three main pillars of the Entrepreneurship 2020 Action Plan: Pillar1–it is about entrepreneurial education&training; Pillar2–it utilises business incubators to create an environment where entrepreneurs can flourish&grow; Pillar3–through working in peripheral regions T3QM will develop role models & work with those not traditionally targeted by business support. –T3QM matches the policy priorities for adult education given in the European Agenda For Adult Learning & keeps in mind The Survey of Adult Skill as it does not require previous certification of skills for involvement & will work to develop literacy & numeracy skills as part of its focus on entrepreneurial skills. –T3QM correlates with a key aim of Strategic Partnerships “to promote entrepreneurship education to develop active citizenship, employability & new business creation (including social entrepreneurship), supporting future learning & career paths for individuals in line with their personal & professional development”. T3QM also covers many of the other key objectives such as developing new&innovative approaches, increasing labour market relevance of learning provision&improving the capacities of organisations active in the fields of education. In regards to adult education specific priorities T3QM will result in a reduction in the number of low-skilled adults&offer tailored learning opportunities to individual learners.
The impact of the economic crises are ongoing–high unemployment EU 28-9.6%,(Nov 2016)&shrinking job markets reinforce & perpetuate the traditional barriers to employment that unemployed&peripheral adults face–lack of qualifications&experience, socio-economic circumstances, geographical location&lack of flexible&tailored pathways of education&career development. This creates an impetus for people to become entrepreneurial&there is a need to share educational methodologies that support this (15% of EU workforce is self-employed). Persistent spatial&demographical areas of unemployment exist across Europe-these areas need methods of job creation, not employment skills. 37% of surveyed EU people express a desire to be self-employed but this amount is not achieved in reality
The 3QM EU project is designed to share a methodology of adult education which creates self-employment&raises entrepreneurial skills&mind-sets amongst disadvantaged/peripheral people & communities. The rationale is that in these socio-economic environments there is a need for an innovative adult education pathway which emphasises entrepreneurship&self-employment as proven&succesful ways of overcoming traditional barriers & persistent unemployment. As a proven&succesful solution to unemployment in the UK the methodology will be transferred to new socio-cultural, linguistic&geographical communities in order to meet the specific needs&challenges faced here.
EU Grant (Eur)
Funding of the project from EU: 167230 Eur
Project Coordinator
Project Partners
- Foundation for the Promotion of Entrepreneurial Initiatives