T@ndem : Tisser des Actions autour du Numérique à travers des Duo d’acteurs de l’Education aux Médias Erasmus Project

General information for the T@ndem : Tisser des Actions autour du Numérique à travers des Duo d’acteurs de l’Education aux Médias Erasmus Project

T@ndem : Tisser des Actions autour du Numérique à travers des Duo d’acteurs de l’Education aux Médias Erasmus Project
July 7, 2020 12:00 am

Project Title

T@ndem : Tisser des Actions autour du Numérique à travers des Duo d’acteurs de l’Education aux Médias

Project Key Action

This project related with these key action: Cooperation for innovation and the exchange of good practices

Project Action Type

This project related with this action type : Strategic Partnerships for school education

Project Call Year

This project’s Call Year is 2016

Project Topics

This project is related with these Project Topics: New innovative curricula/educational methods/development of training courses; ICT – new technologies – digital competences

Project Summary

The Tandem project focuses on accompanying the digital uses of children by setting up an educational continuum between school and family through pedagogical itineraries of media education that take place partly in class partly at home.This project is implemented by a consortium composed on one hand of media education ressources centers : Média Animation (Belgium), Fréquence Ecoles (France), Zaffiria (Italy) ; and on the other hand, federation of parents associations or family centers : UFAPEC (Belgium), FCPE69 (France) and Valmarecchia and Conca Unions (Italy). Today media use are not confined to the private sphere of the family. They fall in the school’s field. This represents a clear challenge to e-skills development, both technical, social, critical but also creative. This is why the Tandem project is developing the following specific objectives:1. To identify the expectations and educational needs of digital media stakeholders (parents, teachers, children).2. To impulse collaborations between teachers and parents.3. To promote the development of digital media literacy through an educational continuum4. To develop educational itineraries related to digital uses of children in the perspective of parenting and schooling support.5. To promote an inclusive approach taking into account the diversity of family models and parenting choices.6. To highlight expertise and educational roles own of each stakeholder (parent, teacher)As a first step, a phase of analysis of the different needs and expectations of teachers and parents was implemented through a literature review and focus groups leading with targeted audiences. This produced a synthesis document that emerged as a resource-document for the development of the further educational strategies.Then 30 digital and media education pedagogical itineraries were designed to address these identified needs through co-design sessions with parents and / or teachers. These itineraries have been developed as a table of contents within a catalog (O2) and concern about 13 different themes (information searching, emotions and media, cyberbullying, school newspaper production, etc.). They articulate classroom sessions leaded by the teacher and parent-child activities at home.These fully written and documented pedagogical materials have been tested by nearly 700 pilot-tandems of teachers and parents in Belgium, France and Italy. This testing had as support a “Cahier de correspondances” (also called journal of communication, diary, …), in electronic format (WordPress) or paper which supported the exchanges and the communication between the teacher and the families. This phase of testing has led to a resource site (O3) www.mediatandem.eu which brings together the educational itineraries, as open educational resources, testimonials from teachers, children and parents who participated in the Tandem pilot project as well as methodological and pedagogical resources to support the transportability of “Tandem”.Through these various activities, the Tandem project has actively involved 1150 parents through focus groups, co-design sessions for the development of educational itineraries and for the testing of these materials in partnership with teachers. In the same way, 175 primary school teachers were directly involved in the Tandem project activities, including the implementation of the educational itineraries in their class. Finally, final beneficiaries of this project, 870 children took part in the media education pedagogical itineraries set up by tandem teachers-parents.The project impact on the partner organizations is multiple and rich in terms of synergy, development of skills, links with their target audiences. But more specifically, the Tandem methodology makes it possible to provide media education educators with new resources and methods for their future interventions, in schools or in parenting. In the same way, the co-educational system as experimented by the Tandem project can now be taken to other projects such as environmental education, the development of new places in the school, etc. .Reuse or inspiration from the methodology and tools experienced through this project becomes a long-term goal of the Tandem project leaders.

EU Grant (Eur)

Funding of the project from EU: 254860,26 Eur

Project Coordinator


Project Partners

  • TandemItalianConsortium
  • Union Francophone des Associations de Parents de l’enseignement catholique (UFAPEC)
  • Fréquence écoles
  • FCPEduRhone